Influence of the H-reflex on the selectivity of recruitment using multi-contact epineural stimulation of the median nerve in a participant with complete tetraplegia
Multi-contact epineural electrical stimulation is a technique that can be used to restore grip movements in people with complete tetraplegia. However, neural stimulation can induce undesired H-reflex. This reflex is known to induce a global lower recruitment threshold together with a steepest recruitment curve leading to a degraded selective response. In this study, during stimulation of the median nerve using a multi-contact cuff electrode, a H-reflex response was observed for one muscle (the pronator teres i.e. PT) among the five recorded. As both M-wave and H-wave were separately recorded, we compared the changes of recruitment, recruitment order and se-lectivity with and without the H-reflex and found that blocking the reflex would have enhance the selectivity and increase the range of the intensity amplitude while providing a higher level of gripping force. Thus, blocking H-reflex is an important issue to further enhance epineural multicontact selective stimulation.