Conference Papers Year : 2022

An Extensive and Secure Personal Data Management System Using SGX


Personal Data Management System (PDMS) solutions are currently flourishing, spurred by new privacy regulations such as GDPR and new legal concepts like data altruism. PDMSs aim to empower individuals by providing appropriate tools to collect and manage their personal data and share computed results with third parties, thus requiring (i) a secure platform protecting the user's privacy and delivering strong guarantees on the outputs of user's data processing, and (ii) an extensible solution that supports all types of data-driven computations. In previous works, we analyzed these requirements and proposed an Extensive and Secure PDMS (ES-PDMS) logical architecture. This demonstration presents the first ES-PDMS prototype based on SGX enclaves, focusing on its security properties with the help of several concrete scenarios and interactive games.
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hal-03580286 , version 1 (18-02-2022)
hal-03580286 , version 2 (28-02-2022)
hal-03580286 , version 3 (22-03-2022)



  • HAL Id : hal-03580286 , version 3


Robin Carpentier, Floris Thiant, Iulian Sandu Popa, Nicolas Anciaux, Luc Bouganim. An Extensive and Secure Personal Data Management System Using SGX. EDBT 2022 - 25th International Conference on Extending Database Technology, Mar 2022, Edinburgh / Virtual, United Kingdom. ⟨hal-03580286v3⟩
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