Journal Articles Journal of Computational Physics Year : 2019

A combined momentum-interpolation and advection upstream splitting pressure-correction algorithm for simulation of convective and acoustic transport at all levels of Mach number


A pressure-correction algorithm is presented for compressible fluid flow regimes. It is well-suited to simulate flows at all levels of Mach number with smooth and discontinuous flow field changes, by providing a precise representation of convective transport and acous­tic propagation. The co-located finite volume space discretization is used with the AUSM flux splitting. It is demonstrated that two ingredients are essential for obtaining good quality solutions: the presence of an inertia term in the face velocity expression; a velocity differ­ence diffusive term in the face pressure expression, with a correct Mach number scaling to recover the hydrodynamic and acoustic low Mach number limits. To meet these two re­quirements, a new flux scheme, named MIAU, for Momentum Interpolation with Advection Upstream splitting is proposed.
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hal-02064848 , version 1 (12-03-2019)
hal-02064848 , version 2 (22-10-2019)



Yann Moguen, Pascal Bruel, Erik Dick. A combined momentum-interpolation and advection upstream splitting pressure-correction algorithm for simulation of convective and acoustic transport at all levels of Mach number. Journal of Computational Physics, 2019, 384, pp.16-41. ⟨10.1016/⟩. ⟨hal-02064848v2⟩
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