Poster Communications Year : 2018

The SSK. Make your Arts and Humanities research go standard. TEI inside !


Guidelines and tools are easier to understand and use when presented through examples. The SSK provides a variety of standardized resources in a meaningful context, delivered by research use cases : the « scenarios ». FULL TEI TEI is the SSK underlying data model, designed to maximize scenario reuse and customization.
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hal-01902702 , version 1 (23-10-2018)
hal-01902702 , version 2 (15-01-2019)



  • HAL Id : hal-01902702 , version 2


Marie Puren, Charles Riondet, Laurent Romary, Dorian Seillier, Lionel Tadjou. The SSK. Make your Arts and Humanities research go standard. TEI inside !. TEI2018 - Annual TEI Conference and Members Meeting, Sep 2018, Tokyo, Japan. 2018. ⟨hal-01902702v2⟩
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