Book Sections Year : 2018

Towards VE that are More Closely Related to the Real World


This chapter provides an overview of the current state of augmented reality (AR). It examines the questions of pose computation, which could be used to locate a user in an immersive room or to model the real world, interactions in AR, and the concept of presence in environments that combine real and virtual elements. The chapter describes important innovations in the field of 3D interaction over the last decade. While 3D interaction is less central to AR, its importance is rising nonetheless. From simple applications to visualize digital data that is superimposed on the natural view, RA systems today are offering users increasingly more refined interaction systems in order to enhance usage. The chapter overviews recent developments allowing users to easily and efficiently interact with 3D content displayed on tactile surfaces. In the current interfaces, a trend towards an integration of the interaction styles can be observed.
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hal-01735022 , version 1 (15-03-2018)



Géry Casiez, Xavier Granier, Martin Hachet, Vincent Lepetit, Guillaume Moreau, et al.. Towards VE that are More Closely Related to the Real World. Bruno Arnaldi; Pascal Guitton; Guillaume Moreau. Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality - Myths and Realities, chapitre 4, ISTE - Wiley, 2018, 9781786301055. ⟨10.1002/9781119341031.ch4⟩. ⟨hal-01735022⟩
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