Designing Valuable Products with Design Sprint
The shift of creating valuable products, from only aesthetically pleasing, usable, or loveable products, has required adjustment of skills to create value as well as a mindset change. Instead of spending weeks and months to design a product, a rapid validation process takes place to explore how a product should be transformed into a valuable one. This course will teach the participants several key Design Sprint techniques in a nutshell (80 min). Google Ventures initially introduced Design Sprint to tackle critical business problems and come up with viable solutions within five days. Open to anyone who is involved in product and service design, the course aims to teach Design Sprint key techniques to create meaningful insights and hands-on experience for the participants. At the conclusion of the course, the participants are expected to envision how the lessons learned from the course can be applied in either academia or industry.
Computer Science [cs]Origin | Files produced by the author(s) |