Poster Communications Year : 2017

Software-Defined Real-Time Mesh Networking: Protocol and Experimentation Method


Our research address the problem of network resource allocation for real-time communications in mesh networks. We are studying the combination of online flow admission control and pathfinding algorithms in an SDN-like controller.We propose a Software-Defined Real-time Networking protocol that allows a dynamic and incremental allocation of network resource in a mixed-critical real-time m esh network context. We also propose a method to ensure the dependability of the network, considering that transmission errors and node failures can happen. Finally, our research includes the study of a new way of experimenting on embedded networks, by making use of both an in-silicon platform and a simulator. We designed an original framework to ease conducting such experiments.
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hal-01542911 , version 1 (20-06-2017)
hal-01542911 , version 2 (23-06-2017)


  • HAL Id : hal-01542911 , version 2


Florian Greff, Ye-Qiong Song, Arnaud Samama, Laurent Ciarletta. Software-Defined Real-Time Mesh Networking: Protocol and Experimentation Method. RESCOM'17, Jun 2017, Le Croisic, France. ⟨hal-01542911v2⟩
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