Conference Papers Year : 2016

On the Impact of Advance Reservations for Energy-Aware Provisioning of Bare-Metal Cloud Resources


This work investigates factors that can impact the elasticity of bare-metal resources. We analyse data from a real bare-metal deployment system to build a deployment time model, which is used to evaluate how provisioning time impacts the reservation of bare-metal resources. Climate/Blazar, a reservation framework designed for OpenStack, is discussed. Simulation results show that reservations can help reduce the time to deliver a provisioned cluster to its customer while achieving energy savings similar to those of strategies that switch-off idle resources.
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hal-01382662 , version 1 (17-10-2016)


  • HAL Id : hal-01382662 , version 1


Marcos Dias de Assuncao, Laurent Lefèvre, Francois Rossigneux. On the Impact of Advance Reservations for Energy-Aware Provisioning of Bare-Metal Cloud Resources. CNSM 2016, Oct 2016, Montreal, Canada. ⟨hal-01382662⟩
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