Combining DEVS with Multi-agent Concepts to Design and Simulate Multi-models of Complex Systems (WIP)
We are interested in the multi-modeling and simulation of complex systems, that is representing a complex system as a set of interacting models and simulating it with a co-simulation approach. Representing and simulating a complex system multi-model requires to integrate heterogeneity at several levels (representations, formalisms, simulation software, models' interactions.. .). In this article, we present our approach that consists of combining the Discrete EVent System Specification (DEVS) formalism and multi-agent concepts in order to achieve these requirements. The use of the DEVS formalism enables a rigourous integration of models described with heterogeneous formalisms and a rigourous simulation protocol. Multi-agent concepts ease the description of multi-perspective integration and the reuse of existing heterogeneous simulators. We detail the combination of both in the Agent & Artifact for Multi-Modeling (AA4MM) approach and illustrate its use in a proof of concept.