A Pattern-based Tool for Creating Virtual Cinematography in Interactive Storytelling
In this work we design a tool for creators of interactive stories to explore the effect of applying camera patterns to achieve high level communicative goals in a 3D animated scenario. We design a pattern language to specify high level communicative goals that are translated into simple or complex camera techniques and transitions, and then flexibly applied over a sequence of character actions. These patterns are linked to a real-movie shot specification database through elements of context such as characters, objects, actions, and emotions. The use of real movies provides rich context information of the film, and allows the users of our tool to replicate the feel and emotion of existing film segments. The story context, pattern language and database are linked through a decision process that we call the virtual director, who reasons on a given story context and communicative goals, translates them into the camera patterns and techniques, and selects suitable shots from the database. Our
real-time 3D environment gives the user the freedom to observe and explore the effect of applying communicative goals without worrying about
the details of actor positions, scene, or camera placement.