Reports (Research Report) Year : 2015

Uniqueness results for 2D inverse Robin problems with bounded coefficient


We address in this work the uniqueness issue in the classical Robin inverse problem with the Laplace equation on a Dini-smooth planar domain, with uniformly bounded Robin coefficient and L2 Neumann data. We prove uniqueness of the Robin coefficient on a subpart of the boundary, given Cauchy data on the complementary part.
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hal-01104629 , version 1 (18-01-2015)


  • HAL Id : hal-01104629 , version 1


Laurent Baratchart, Laurent Bourgeois, Juliette Leblond. Uniqueness results for 2D inverse Robin problems with bounded coefficient. [Research Report] RR-8665, INRIA Sophia Antipolis; INRIA Saclay; INRIA. 2015. ⟨hal-01104629⟩
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