Computing necessary integrability conditions for planar parametrized homogeneous potentials
Let $V\in\mathbb{Q}(i)(\a_1,\dots,\a_n)(\q_1,\q_2)$ be a rationally parametrized planar homogeneous potential of homogeneity degree $k\neq -2, 0, 2$. We design an algorithm that computes polynomial \emph{necessary} conditions on the parameters $(\a_1,\dots,\a_n)$ such that the dynamical system associated to the potential $V$ is integrable. These conditions originate from those of the Morales-Ramis-Simó integrability criterion near all Darboux points. The implementation of the algorithm allows to treat applications that were out of reach before, for instance concerning the non-integrability of polynomial potentials up to degree $9$. Another striking application is the first complete proof of the non-integrability of the \emph{collinear three body problem}.
Symbolic Computation [cs.SC]Origin | Explicit agreement for this submission |