Metamodels and MDA Transformations for Embedded Systems.
Embedded system design needs to model together application and hardware architecture. For that a huge number of models are available, each one proposing its own abstraction level associated to its own software platform for simulation or synthesis. To produce a co-design framework, we are obviously obliged to support dieren t models among all possible ones. Between these models we should produce automatic transformations. Each time a new model is included in the framework, we should develop a new transformation. To improve transformation engine development, Model Driven Architecture (MDA) techniques are useful. This approach permits to dene,the transformations at the metamodel level. It guaranties to the framework the reuse of models and unies the denition of the transformation rules. We present the application of MDA in the context of Intensive Signal Processing (ISP) applications deployed on System on Chip (SoC) platforms. For that purpose, we have developed a new MDA Transformation engine: ModTransf. We apply this engine on UML proles to generate SystemC Transaction Level Model dedicated to ISP. A particular rule will be presented to illustrate the interest of this approach in a multi model embedded system design environment.