Anisotropic Adaptive Simulations in Aerodynamics
Capturing accurately and automatically the complexity of the whole flow around a com- plex aircraft is still an unachieved goal in aerodynamics. Indeed, the various features of the flow generally induce severe limitations to devise a unique global method. Generally, specific mesh adaptation is one possible method employed to fit locally the mesh to the particular features of the flow. Boundary layer mesh generation using structured grids is one example of adaptation utilized as a pre-processing to accurately capture the speed profile near a body. Then, anisotropic unstructured mesh adaptation is devised to cap- ture automatically other components of the flows: shocks, shear layers, wake. . . However, these two requirements necessary to succeed an accurate CFD computation are generally envisaged independently. The scope of this paper is to introduce a general metric-based framework where these two requirements are done conjointly with a fully unstructured view. We then utilize a local remeshing approach to generate an anisotropic mesh that complies with the sizes and orientations of the metric tensor fields.