Conference Papers Year : 2014

Spatio-temporal registration of embryo images


Current imaging techniques can capture temporal sequences of 3D images with very high time resolution over several hours. Com- paring sequences covering the same time period opens the way to the study of developmental variability. Stitching together sequences captured from different embryos may help producing a sequence covering the whole development of the animal of interest. For this, it is necessary to align two sequences in both time and space. We present here a method to align two 3D+t time series, based on the detection and pairing of 3D+t landmarks. These landmarks, which correspond to periods of fast morphogenetic change, are de- duced from the analysis of the non-linear transformations that allow to co-register pairs of consecutive 3D images in each sequence.
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hal-00919142 , version 1 (16-12-2013)


  • HAL Id : hal-00919142 , version 1
  • PRODINRA : 314840


Léo Guignard, Christophe Godin, Ulla-Maj Fiuza, Lars Hufnagel, Patrick Lemaire, et al.. Spatio-temporal registration of embryo images. ISBI - International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, Apr 2014, Pekin, China. ⟨hal-00919142⟩
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