Mobile Social Networking through Friend-to-Friend Opportunistic Content Dissemination
We focus on dissemination of content for delay tolerant ap- plications, (i.e. content sharing, advertisement propagation, etc.) where users are geographically clustered into commu- nities. We propose a novel architecture that addresses the issues of lack of trust, delivery latency, loss of user con- trol, and privacy-aware distributed mobile social network- ing by combining the advantages of decentralized storage and opportunistic communications. The content is to be replicated on friends’ devices who are likely to consume the content. The fundamental challenge is to minimize the num- ber of replicas whilst ensuring high and timely availability. We propose a greedy heuristic algorithm for computation- ally hard content replication problem to replicate content in well-selected users, to maximize the content dissemination with limited number of replication. Using both real world and synthetic traces, we show the viability of the proposed scheme