Journal Articles Journal for language technology and computational linguistics Year : 2015

TEI and LMF crosswalks


The present paper explores various arguments in favour of making the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) guidelines an appropriate serialisation for ISO standard 24613:2008 (LMF, Lexical Markup Framework) . It also identifies the issues that would have to be resolved in order to reach an appropriate implementation of these ideas, in particular in terms of informational coverage. We show how the customisation facilities offered by the TEI guidelines can provide an adequate background, not only to cover missing components within the current Dictionary chapter of the TEI guidelines, but also to allow specific lexical projects to deal with local constraints. We expect this proposal to be a basis for a future ISO project in the context of the on going revision of LMF.


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Dates and versions

hal-00762664 , version 1 (07-12-2012)
hal-00762664 , version 2 (11-01-2013)
hal-00762664 , version 3 (21-01-2013)
hal-00762664 , version 4 (27-01-2016)




Laurent Romary. TEI and LMF crosswalks. Journal for language technology and computational linguistics, 2015, 30 (1). ⟨hal-00762664v4⟩
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