Library Rustre.Correctness.MemoryCorres

Require Import List.

Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Memory.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.
Require Import Rustre.Minimp.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Minimp.Semantics.
Require Import Rustre.Translation.

Correspondence between dataflow and imperative memories

Memory_Corres relates a dataflow D.memory with an object heap at an instant n. Morally, we are saying that taking a snapshot of the memory at time n gives heap.

Inductive Memory_Corres (G: global) (n: nat) :
       identmemoryheapProp :=
  | MemC:
       f M menv i o eqs,
        find_node f G = Some(mk_node f i o eqs)
        → List.Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs
        → Memory_Corres G n f M menv

with Memory_Corres_eq (G: global) (n: nat) :
       memoryheapequationProp :=

  | MemC_EqDef:
       M menv x ck ce,
        Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv (EqDef x ck ce)

  | MemC_EqApp: M menv x ck f le,
      ( Mo, mfind_inst x M = Some Mo
        ( omenv, mfind_inst x menv = Some omenv
                     Memory_Corres G n f Mo omenv)) →
      Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv (EqApp x ck f le)

  | MemC_EqFby: M menv x ck v0 le,
    ( ms, mfind_mem x M = Some ms
                → mfind_mem x menv = Some (ms n)) →
    Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv (EqFby x ck v0 le).

Induction principle for Memory_Corres and Memory_Corres_eq

Induction principle for Memory_Corres and Memory_Corres_eq

Section Memory_Corres_mult.
  Variables (G: global) (n: nat).

  Variable P : identmemoryheapProp.
  Variable Peq : memoryheapequationProp.

  Hypothesis EqDef_case: M menv x ck ce,
      Peq M menv (EqDef x ck ce).

  Hypothesis EqApp_case: M menv x ck f le,
      ( Mo (Hmfind: mfind_inst x M = Some Mo),
          ( omenv, mfind_inst x menv = Some omenv P f Mo omenv))
      → Peq M menv (EqApp x ck f le).

  Hypothesis EqFby_case: M menv x ck v0 le,
      ( ms, mfind_mem x M = Some ms
                  → mfind_mem x menv = Some (ms n))
      → Peq M menv (EqFby x ck v0 le).

  Hypothesis MemC_case:
     f M menv i o eqs
           (Hfind : find_node f G = Some (mk_node f i o eqs)),
      Forall (Peq M menv) eqs
      → P f M menv.

  Fixpoint Memory_Corres_mult (f : ident)
                              (M : memory)
                              (menv : heap)
                              (Hmc : Memory_Corres G n f M menv)
                              {struct Hmc} : P f M menv :=
    match Hmc in (Memory_Corres _ _ f M menv) return (P f M menv) with
    | MemC f M menv i o eqs Hfind Heqs
        MemC_case f M menv i o eqs Hfind
          ((fix map (eqs : list equation)
                    (Heqs: Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs) :=
              match Heqs in Forall _ fs return (Forall (Peq M menv) fs)
              | Forall_nilForall_nil _
              | Forall_cons eq eqs Heq Heqs´
                Forall_cons eq (Memory_Corres_eq_mult M menv eq Heq)
                            (map eqs Heqs´)
              end) eqs Heqs)

  with Memory_Corres_eq_mult (M : memory)
                             (menv : heap)
                             (eq : equation)
                             (Hmceq : Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv eq)
                             {struct Hmceq} : Peq M menv eq.
    match Hmceq in (Memory_Corres_eq _ _ M menv eq) return (Peq M menv eq)
    | MemC_EqDef M menv x ck ceEqDef_case M menv x ck ce
    | MemC_EqApp M menv x ck f le Hmc
        EqApp_case M menv x ck f le
                   (fun (Mo : memory)
                        (Hmfind : mfind_inst x M = Some Mo) ⇒ _)
    | MemC_EqFby M menv x ck v0 lae HfindEqFby_case M menv x ck v0 lae Hfind
  specialize (Hmc Mo Hmfind).
  destruct Hmc as [omenv [Hfindo Hmc]].
  apply Memory_Corres_mult in Hmc.
  split; [exact Hfindo|exact Hmc].

End Memory_Corres_mult.

Global environment management

Lemma Memory_Corres_eq_node_tl:
   node G eq n M menv,
    Ordered_nodes (node::G)
    → ¬Is_node_in_eq node.(n_name) eq
    → (Memory_Corres_eq (node::G) n M menv eq
         Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv eq).
  intros node G eqs n M menv Hord Hini.
  split; intro Hmc; revert M menv eqs Hmc Hini.
  - induction 1 as [| ? ? ? ? ? ? Hfind | | ? ? ? ? ? ? Hfindn IH]
      using Memory_Corres_eq_mult
      with (P:=fun f M menv
                 node.(n_name) f
                 Memory_Corres G n f M menv);
    intro HH; try constructor.
    + intros Mo Hmfind.
      specialize (Hfind _ Hmfind).
      destruct Hfind as [omenv [Hfindo IH]].
      split; [exact Hfindo|].
      apply IH.
      intro Hneq; rewrite <-Hneq in HH.
      apply HH; repeat constructor.
    + trivial.
    + simpl in Hfindn.
      apply ident_eqb_neq in HH.
      rewrite HH in Hfindn.
      econstructor; [exact Hfindn|].
      apply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in with (2:=Hfindn) in Hord.
      simpl in Hord; clear Hfindn.
      apply Is_node_in_Forall in Hord.
      apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Hord) in IH.
      apply Forall_impl with (2:=IH).
  - induction 1 as [| ? ? ? ? ? ? Hfind | | ? ? ? ? ? ? Hfindn IH]
      using Memory_Corres_eq_mult
      with (P:=fun f M menv
                 node.(n_name) f
                 Memory_Corres (node::G) n f M menv);
    intro HH; try constructor.
    + intros Mo Hmfind.
      specialize (Hfind _ Hmfind).
      destruct Hfind as [omenv [Hfindo IH]].
      split; [exact Hfindo|].
      apply IH.
      intro Hneq; rewrite <-Hneq in HH.
      apply HH; repeat constructor.
    + intuition.
    + apply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in with (2:=Hfindn) in Hord.
      rewrite <-find_node_tl with (1:=HH) in Hfindn.
      econstructor; [exact Hfindn|].
      apply Is_node_in_Forall in Hord.
      apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Hord) in IH.
      apply Forall_impl with (2:=IH).

Lemma Memory_Corres_eqs_node_tl:
   node G eqs n M menv,
    Ordered_nodes (node::G)
    → ¬Is_node_in node.(n_name) eqs
    → (Forall (Memory_Corres_eq (node::G) n M menv) eqs
         Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs).
  induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now intuition|].
  intros n M menv Hord Hnini.
  apply not_Is_node_in_cons in Hnini.
  destruct Hnini as [Hnini Hninis].
    intro HH; apply Forall_cons2 in HH; destruct HH as [HH HHs];
    apply Forall_cons;
    (apply Memory_Corres_eq_node_tl with (1:=Hord) (2:=Hnini) (3:=HH)
     || apply IH with (1:=Hord) (2:=Hninis) (3:=HHs)).

Lemma Memory_Corres_node_tl:
   f node G n M menv,
    Ordered_nodes (node :: G)
    → node.(n_name) f
    → (Memory_Corres (node :: G) n f M menv Memory_Corres G n f M menv).
  intros f node G n M menv Hord Hnf.
    inversion_clear 1;
    repeat progress
         match goal with
         | Hf: find_node ?f (_ :: ?G) = Some _ |- _
           rewrite find_node_tl with (1:=Hnf) in Hf
         | |- find_node ?f (_ :: ?G) = Some _
           rewrite find_node_tl with (1:=Hnf)
         | Hf: find_node ?f ?G = Some _ |- find_node ?f ?G = Some _exact Hf
         | H:Forall (Memory_Corres_eq _ _ _ _) _
           |- Forall (Memory_Corres_eq _ _ _ _) _
           apply Memory_Corres_eqs_node_tl with (1:=Hord) (3:=H)
         | Hf: find_node ?f ?G = Some _ |- ¬Is_node_in _ _
           apply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in with (1:=Hord) (2:=Hf)

Memory management

Lemma Is_memory_in_Memory_Corres_eqs:
   G n M menv x eqs,
    Is_defined_in_eqs x eqs
    → ¬Is_variable_in_eqs x eqs
    → Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs
    → ( ms, mfind_mem x M = Some ms
                   → mfind_mem x menv = Some (ms n)).
  induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now inversion 1|].
  intros Hidi Hnvi Hmc ms.
  apply Is_defined_in_cons in Hidi.
  apply not_Is_variable_in_cons in Hnvi.
  destruct Hnvi as [Hnvi Hnvis].
  inversion_clear Hmc as [|? ? Hmceq Hmceqs].
  destruct Hidi as [Himeqs|[Himeq Himeqs]];
    [|now apply IH with (1:=Himeqs) (2:=Hnvis) (3:=Hmceqs)].
  destruct eq;
  inversion Himeqs; subst;
  try (exfalso; apply Hnvi; now constructor).
  inversion_clear Hmceq; auto.

Lemma Memory_Corres_eqs_add_mem:
   G M menv n y ms eqs,
    mfind_mem y M = Some ms
    → Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs
    → Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M (madd_mem y (ms n) menv)) eqs.
  induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now auto|].
  intros Hmfind Hmc.
  apply Forall_cons2 in Hmc.
  destruct Hmc as [Hmc0 Hmc1].
  apply Forall_cons; [|apply IH with (1:=Hmfind) (2:=Hmc1)].
  destruct eq; repeat constructor.
  - intros Mo Hifind.
    inversion_clear Hmc0 as [|? ? ? ? ? ? Hmc|].
    specialize (Hmc _ Hifind).
    destruct Hmc as [omenv HH].
    exact HH.
  - intros ms´ Hmfind´.
    destruct (ident_eq_dec i y) as [He|Hne].
    + rewrite He in ×.
      rewrite Hmfind in Hmfind´.
      injection Hmfind´; intro H; rewrite <- H; clear H.
      rewrite mfind_mem_gss; reflexivity.
    + rewrite mfind_mem_gso with (1:=Hne).
      inversion_clear Hmc0 as [| |? ? ? ? ? ? Hmc].
      now apply Hmc with (1:=Hmfind´).

Lemma Memory_Corres_eqs_add_obj:
   G n M menv eqs y omenv,
    Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs
    → ¬Is_defined_in_eqs y eqs
    → Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M (madd_obj y omenv menv)) eqs.
  induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now constructor|].
  intros y omenv Hmce Hniii.
  apply Forall_cons2 in Hmce.
  destruct Hmce as [Hmce0 Hmce1].
  apply not_Is_defined_in_cons in Hniii.
  destruct Hniii as [Hniii0 Hniii1].
  apply Forall_cons; [|now apply IH with (1:=Hmce1) (2:=Hniii1)].
  destruct eq; constructor; try constructor.
  - intros Mo Hmfind.
    destruct (ident_eq_dec i y) as [Hiy|Hniy].
    + rewrite Hiy in Hniii0; exfalso; apply Hniii0; constructor.
    + inversion_clear Hmce0 as [|? ? ? ? ? ? Hfindo|].
      specialize (Hfindo _ Hmfind).
      destruct Hfindo as [omenv´ [Hfindo Hmc]].
      split; [|exact Hmc].
      rewrite mfind_inst_gso; [|exact Hniy].
      exact Hfindo.
  - intros ms Hmfind.
    inversion_clear Hmce0 as [| |? ? ? ? ? ? HH].
    rewrite mfind_mem_add_inst.
    apply HH with (1:=Hmfind).

Lemma Memory_Corres_unchanged:
   G f n ls M ys menv,
    Welldef_global G
    → msem_node G f ls M ys
    → absent_list ls n
    → Memory_Corres G n f M menv
    → Memory_Corres G (S n) f M menv.
  intros G f n ls M ys menv Hwdef Hmsem Habs.
  revert menv.
  induction Hmsem as [| bk H M y ck f les ls ys Hmfind Hls Hys Hmsem IH
                      | bk H M ms y ck ls yS v0 lae Hmfind Hms0 Hls HyS Hy
                      | bk f xs M ys i o eqs Hbk Hf Heqs IH]
  using msem_node_mult
  with (P := fun bk H M eq Hsem
                 rhs_absent_instant (bk n) (restr H n) eq
                 → Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv eq
                 → Memory_Corres_eq G (S n) M menv eq).
  - inversion_clear 2; constructor; assumption.
  - intros Hrhsa Hmceq.
    intros Mo Hmfind´.
    rewrite Hmfind in Hmfind´.
    injection Hmfind´; intro Heq; rewrite <-Heq; clear Heq Hmfind´.
    inversion_clear Hmceq as [|? ? ? ? ? ? Hmc´|].
    specialize (Hmc´ _ Hmfind).
    destruct Hmc´ as [omenv [Hfindo Hmc]].
    split; [exact Hfindo|].
    apply IH with (2:=Hmc).
    inversion_clear Hrhsa as [| ? ? ? ? ? Hlaea Hvs |].

    assert (ls n = vs)
      by (specialize (Hls n); simpl in Hls; sem_det).
    unfold absent_list. subst vs.
    clear Hlaea.
    induction (ls n); inversion_clear Hvs; subst e; auto.
    rewrite IHn0 at 1; eauto.

  - rename Habs into menv.
    intros Hdefabs Hmceq.
    intros ms0 Hmfind0.
    rewrite Hmfind in Hmfind0.
    injection Hmfind0; intro Heq; rewrite <-Heq; clear Heq Hmfind0 ms0.
    inversion_clear Hmceq as [| |? ? ? ? ? ? Hmenv].
    apply Hmenv in Hmfind.
    rewrite Hmfind.
    inversion_clear Hdefabs as [| |? ? ? Hlaea].
    specialize (Hls n); simpl in Hls.
    specialize Hy with n.
    assert (Hls_abs: ls n = absent) by sem_det.
    rewrite Hls_abs in Hy.
    now f_equal.
  - intros menv Hmc.
    inversion_clear Hmc as [? ? ? eqs´ Hf´ Hmceqs].
    rewrite Hf in Hf´.
    injection Hf´;
      intros HR1 HR2 HR3;
      rewrite <-HR1, <-HR2, <-HR3 in *;
      clear eqs´ Hf´ HR1 HR2 HR3.
    clear Heqs.
    destruct IH as [H [Hxs [Hys [Hout HH]]]].

    assert (Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs).
      rewrite Forall_forall in HH.
      rewrite Forall_forall; intros.
      specialize (HH x H0).
      destruct HH. eauto.
    assert (Habs´: absent_list xs n
                   List.Forall (rhs_absent_instant (bk n) (restr H n)) eqs)
      by (eapply subrate_property_eqns; eauto).

    apply Habs´ in Habs.
    apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Habs) in HH.
    apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Hmceqs) in HH.
    clear Habs Hmceqs.
    econstructor; [exact Hf|].
    apply Forall_impl with (2:=HH); clear HH.
    intros eq HH.
    destruct HH as [Hmceq [Habseq [Hmsem HH]]].
    eapply HH; eauto.