Library Rustre.Correctness.MemoryCorres
Require Import List.
Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Memory.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.
Require Import Rustre.Minimp.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Minimp.Semantics.
Require Import Rustre.Translation.
Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Memory.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.
Require Import Rustre.Minimp.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Minimp.Semantics.
Require Import Rustre.Translation.
Correspondence between dataflow and imperative memories
Inductive Memory_Corres (G: global) (n: nat) :
ident → memory → heap → Prop :=
| MemC:
∀ f M menv i o eqs,
find_node f G = Some(mk_node f i o eqs)
→ List.Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs
→ Memory_Corres G n f M menv
with Memory_Corres_eq (G: global) (n: nat) :
memory → heap → equation → Prop :=
| MemC_EqDef:
∀ M menv x ck ce,
Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv (EqDef x ck ce)
| MemC_EqApp: ∀ M menv x ck f le,
(∀ Mo, mfind_inst x M = Some Mo →
(∃ omenv, mfind_inst x menv = Some omenv
∧ Memory_Corres G n f Mo omenv)) →
Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv (EqApp x ck f le)
| MemC_EqFby: ∀ M menv x ck v0 le,
(∀ ms, mfind_mem x M = Some ms
→ mfind_mem x menv = Some (ms n)) →
Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv (EqFby x ck v0 le).
Induction principle for Memory_Corres and Memory_Corres_eq
Induction principle for Memory_Corres and Memory_Corres_eq
Section Memory_Corres_mult.
Variables (G: global) (n: nat).
Variable P : ident → memory → heap → Prop.
Variable Peq : memory → heap → equation → Prop.
Hypothesis EqDef_case: ∀ M menv x ck ce,
Peq M menv (EqDef x ck ce).
Hypothesis EqApp_case: ∀ M menv x ck f le,
(∀ Mo (Hmfind: mfind_inst x M = Some Mo),
(∃ omenv, mfind_inst x menv = Some omenv ∧ P f Mo omenv))
→ Peq M menv (EqApp x ck f le).
Hypothesis EqFby_case: ∀ M menv x ck v0 le,
(∀ ms, mfind_mem x M = Some ms
→ mfind_mem x menv = Some (ms n))
→ Peq M menv (EqFby x ck v0 le).
Hypothesis MemC_case:
∀ f M menv i o eqs
(Hfind : find_node f G = Some (mk_node f i o eqs)),
Forall (Peq M menv) eqs
→ P f M menv.
Fixpoint Memory_Corres_mult (f : ident)
(M : memory)
(menv : heap)
(Hmc : Memory_Corres G n f M menv)
{struct Hmc} : P f M menv :=
match Hmc in (Memory_Corres _ _ f M menv) return (P f M menv) with
| MemC f M menv i o eqs Hfind Heqs ⇒
MemC_case f M menv i o eqs Hfind
((fix map (eqs : list equation)
(Heqs: Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs) :=
match Heqs in Forall _ fs return (Forall (Peq M menv) fs)
| Forall_nil ⇒ Forall_nil _
| Forall_cons eq eqs Heq Heqs´ ⇒
Forall_cons eq (Memory_Corres_eq_mult M menv eq Heq)
(map eqs Heqs´)
end) eqs Heqs)
with Memory_Corres_eq_mult (M : memory)
(menv : heap)
(eq : equation)
(Hmceq : Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv eq)
{struct Hmceq} : Peq M menv eq.
match Hmceq in (Memory_Corres_eq _ _ M menv eq) return (Peq M menv eq)
| MemC_EqDef M menv x ck ce ⇒ EqDef_case M menv x ck ce
| MemC_EqApp M menv x ck f le Hmc ⇒
EqApp_case M menv x ck f le
(fun (Mo : memory)
(Hmfind : mfind_inst x M = Some Mo) ⇒ _)
| MemC_EqFby M menv x ck v0 lae Hfind ⇒ EqFby_case M menv x ck v0 lae Hfind
specialize (Hmc Mo Hmfind).
destruct Hmc as [omenv [Hfindo Hmc]].
∃ omenv.
apply Memory_Corres_mult in Hmc.
split; [exact Hfindo|exact Hmc].
End Memory_Corres_mult.
Lemma Memory_Corres_eq_node_tl:
∀ node G eq n M menv,
Ordered_nodes (node::G)
→ ¬Is_node_in_eq node.(n_name) eq
→ (Memory_Corres_eq (node::G) n M menv eq
↔ Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv eq).
intros node G eqs n M menv Hord Hini.
split; intro Hmc; revert M menv eqs Hmc Hini.
- induction 1 as [| ? ? ? ? ? ? Hfind | | ? ? ? ? ? ? Hfindn IH]
using Memory_Corres_eq_mult
with (P:=fun f M menv⇒
node.(n_name) ≠ f →
Memory_Corres G n f M menv);
intro HH; try constructor.
+ intros Mo Hmfind.
specialize (Hfind _ Hmfind).
destruct Hfind as [omenv [Hfindo IH]].
∃ omenv.
split; [exact Hfindo|].
apply IH.
intro Hneq; rewrite <-Hneq in HH.
apply HH; repeat constructor.
+ trivial.
+ simpl in Hfindn.
apply ident_eqb_neq in HH.
rewrite HH in Hfindn.
econstructor; [exact Hfindn|].
apply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in with (2:=Hfindn) in Hord.
simpl in Hord; clear Hfindn.
apply Is_node_in_Forall in Hord.
apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Hord) in IH.
apply Forall_impl with (2:=IH).
- induction 1 as [| ? ? ? ? ? ? Hfind | | ? ? ? ? ? ? Hfindn IH]
using Memory_Corres_eq_mult
with (P:=fun f M menv⇒
node.(n_name) ≠ f →
Memory_Corres (node::G) n f M menv);
intro HH; try constructor.
+ intros Mo Hmfind.
specialize (Hfind _ Hmfind).
destruct Hfind as [omenv [Hfindo IH]].
∃ omenv.
split; [exact Hfindo|].
apply IH.
intro Hneq; rewrite <-Hneq in HH.
apply HH; repeat constructor.
+ intuition.
+ apply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in with (2:=Hfindn) in Hord.
rewrite <-find_node_tl with (1:=HH) in Hfindn.
econstructor; [exact Hfindn|].
apply Is_node_in_Forall in Hord.
apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Hord) in IH.
apply Forall_impl with (2:=IH).
Lemma Memory_Corres_eqs_node_tl:
∀ node G eqs n M menv,
Ordered_nodes (node::G)
→ ¬Is_node_in node.(n_name) eqs
→ (Forall (Memory_Corres_eq (node::G) n M menv) eqs
↔ Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs).
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now intuition|].
intros n M menv Hord Hnini.
apply not_Is_node_in_cons in Hnini.
destruct Hnini as [Hnini Hninis].
intro HH; apply Forall_cons2 in HH; destruct HH as [HH HHs];
apply Forall_cons;
(apply Memory_Corres_eq_node_tl with (1:=Hord) (2:=Hnini) (3:=HH)
|| apply IH with (1:=Hord) (2:=Hninis) (3:=HHs)).
Lemma Memory_Corres_node_tl:
∀ f node G n M menv,
Ordered_nodes (node :: G)
→ node.(n_name) ≠ f
→ (Memory_Corres (node :: G) n f M menv ↔ Memory_Corres G n f M menv).
intros f node G n M menv Hord Hnf.
inversion_clear 1;
repeat progress
match goal with
| Hf: find_node ?f (_ :: ?G) = Some _ |- _ ⇒
rewrite find_node_tl with (1:=Hnf) in Hf
| |- find_node ?f (_ :: ?G) = Some _ ⇒
rewrite find_node_tl with (1:=Hnf)
| Hf: find_node ?f ?G = Some _ |- find_node ?f ?G = Some _ ⇒ exact Hf
| H:Forall (Memory_Corres_eq _ _ _ _) _
|- Forall (Memory_Corres_eq _ _ _ _) _ ⇒
apply Memory_Corres_eqs_node_tl with (1:=Hord) (3:=H)
| Hf: find_node ?f ?G = Some _ |- ¬Is_node_in _ _ ⇒
apply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in with (1:=Hord) (2:=Hf)
Lemma Is_memory_in_Memory_Corres_eqs:
∀ G n M menv x eqs,
Is_defined_in_eqs x eqs
→ ¬Is_variable_in_eqs x eqs
→ Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs
→ (∀ ms, mfind_mem x M = Some ms
→ mfind_mem x menv = Some (ms n)).
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now inversion 1|].
intros Hidi Hnvi Hmc ms.
apply Is_defined_in_cons in Hidi.
apply not_Is_variable_in_cons in Hnvi.
destruct Hnvi as [Hnvi Hnvis].
inversion_clear Hmc as [|? ? Hmceq Hmceqs].
destruct Hidi as [Himeqs|[Himeq Himeqs]];
[|now apply IH with (1:=Himeqs) (2:=Hnvis) (3:=Hmceqs)].
destruct eq;
inversion Himeqs; subst;
try (exfalso; apply Hnvi; now constructor).
inversion_clear Hmceq; auto.
Lemma Memory_Corres_eqs_add_mem:
∀ G M menv n y ms eqs,
mfind_mem y M = Some ms
→ Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs
→ Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M (madd_mem y (ms n) menv)) eqs.
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now auto|].
intros Hmfind Hmc.
apply Forall_cons2 in Hmc.
destruct Hmc as [Hmc0 Hmc1].
apply Forall_cons; [|apply IH with (1:=Hmfind) (2:=Hmc1)].
destruct eq; repeat constructor.
- intros Mo Hifind.
inversion_clear Hmc0 as [|? ? ? ? ? ? Hmc|].
specialize (Hmc _ Hifind).
destruct Hmc as [omenv HH].
∃ omenv.
exact HH.
- intros ms´ Hmfind´.
destruct (ident_eq_dec i y) as [He|Hne].
+ rewrite He in ×.
rewrite Hmfind in Hmfind´.
injection Hmfind´; intro H; rewrite <- H; clear H.
rewrite mfind_mem_gss; reflexivity.
+ rewrite mfind_mem_gso with (1:=Hne).
inversion_clear Hmc0 as [| |? ? ? ? ? ? Hmc].
now apply Hmc with (1:=Hmfind´).
Lemma Memory_Corres_eqs_add_obj:
∀ G n M menv eqs y omenv,
Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv) eqs
→ ¬Is_defined_in_eqs y eqs
→ Forall (Memory_Corres_eq G n M (madd_obj y omenv menv)) eqs.
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now constructor|].
intros y omenv Hmce Hniii.
apply Forall_cons2 in Hmce.
destruct Hmce as [Hmce0 Hmce1].
apply not_Is_defined_in_cons in Hniii.
destruct Hniii as [Hniii0 Hniii1].
apply Forall_cons; [|now apply IH with (1:=Hmce1) (2:=Hniii1)].
destruct eq; constructor; try constructor.
- intros Mo Hmfind.
destruct (ident_eq_dec i y) as [Hiy|Hniy].
+ rewrite Hiy in Hniii0; exfalso; apply Hniii0; constructor.
+ inversion_clear Hmce0 as [|? ? ? ? ? ? Hfindo|].
specialize (Hfindo _ Hmfind).
destruct Hfindo as [omenv´ [Hfindo Hmc]].
∃ omenv´.
split; [|exact Hmc].
rewrite mfind_inst_gso; [|exact Hniy].
exact Hfindo.
- intros ms Hmfind.
inversion_clear Hmce0 as [| |? ? ? ? ? ? HH].
rewrite mfind_mem_add_inst.
apply HH with (1:=Hmfind).
Lemma Memory_Corres_unchanged:
∀ G f n ls M ys menv,
Welldef_global G
→ msem_node G f ls M ys
→ absent_list ls n
→ Memory_Corres G n f M menv
→ Memory_Corres G (S n) f M menv.
intros G f n ls M ys menv Hwdef Hmsem Habs.
revert menv.
induction Hmsem as [| bk H M y ck f M´ les ls ys Hmfind Hls Hys Hmsem IH
| bk H M ms y ck ls yS v0 lae Hmfind Hms0 Hls HyS Hy
| bk f xs M ys i o eqs Hbk Hf Heqs IH]
using msem_node_mult
with (P := fun bk H M eq Hsem ⇒
∀ menv,
rhs_absent_instant (bk n) (restr H n) eq
→ Memory_Corres_eq G n M menv eq
→ Memory_Corres_eq G (S n) M menv eq).
- inversion_clear 2; constructor; assumption.
- intros Hrhsa Hmceq.
intros Mo Hmfind´.
rewrite Hmfind in Hmfind´.
injection Hmfind´; intro Heq; rewrite <-Heq; clear Heq Hmfind´.
inversion_clear Hmceq as [|? ? ? ? ? ? Hmc´|].
specialize (Hmc´ _ Hmfind).
destruct Hmc´ as [omenv [Hfindo Hmc]].
∃ omenv.
split; [exact Hfindo|].
apply IH with (2:=Hmc).
inversion_clear Hrhsa as [| ? ? ? ? ? Hlaea Hvs |].
assert (ls n = vs)
by (specialize (Hls n); simpl in Hls; sem_det).
unfold absent_list. subst vs.
clear Hlaea.
induction (ls n); inversion_clear Hvs; subst e; auto.
rewrite IHn0 at 1; eauto.
- rename Habs into menv.
intros Hdefabs Hmceq.
intros ms0 Hmfind0.
rewrite Hmfind in Hmfind0.
injection Hmfind0; intro Heq; rewrite <-Heq; clear Heq Hmfind0 ms0.
inversion_clear Hmceq as [| |? ? ? ? ? ? Hmenv].
apply Hmenv in Hmfind.
rewrite Hmfind.
inversion_clear Hdefabs as [| |? ? ? Hlaea].
specialize (Hls n); simpl in Hls.
specialize Hy with n.
assert (Hls_abs: ls n = absent) by sem_det.
rewrite Hls_abs in Hy.
now f_equal.
- intros menv Hmc.
inversion_clear Hmc as [? ? ? i´ o´ eqs´ Hf´ Hmceqs].
rewrite Hf in Hf´.
injection Hf´;
intros HR1 HR2 HR3;
rewrite <-HR1, <-HR2, <-HR3 in *;
clear i´ o´ eqs´ Hf´ HR1 HR2 HR3.
clear Heqs.
destruct IH as [H [Hxs [Hys [Hout HH]]]].
assert (Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs).
rewrite Forall_forall in HH.
rewrite Forall_forall; intros.
specialize (HH x H0).
destruct HH. eauto.
assert (Habs´: absent_list xs n →
List.Forall (rhs_absent_instant (bk n) (restr H n)) eqs)
by (eapply subrate_property_eqns; eauto).
apply Habs´ in Habs.
apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Habs) in HH.
apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Hmceqs) in HH.
clear Habs Hmceqs.
econstructor; [exact Hf|].
apply Forall_impl with (2:=HH); clear HH.
intros eq HH.
destruct HH as [Hmceq [Habseq [Hmsem HH]]].
eapply HH; eauto.