Library Rustre.Minimp.Syntax

Require Import Rustre.Nelist.
Require Import Rustre.Common.

Open Scope bool_scope.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

Minimp syntax

Minimp is a minimal object-oriented programming language exposing two methods: step and reset.

Inductive exp : Set :=
| Var : identexp
| State : identexp
| Const : constexp
| Op : operatornelist expexp.

Implicit Type e: exp.

Inductive stmt : Set :=
  | Assign : identexpstmt
  | AssignSt : identexpstmt
  | Ifte : expstmtstmtstmt
  | Step_ap : identidentidentnelist expstmt
  | Reset_ap : identidentstmt
  | Comp : stmtstmtstmt
  | Skip.

Implicit Type s: stmt.

Record obj_dec : Set := mk_obj_dec {
  obj_inst : ident;
  obj_class : ident

Record class : Set := mk_class {
  c_name : ident;

  c_input : nelist ident;
  c_output : ident;

  c_mems : list ident;
  c_objs : list obj_dec;

  c_step : stmt;
  c_reset : stmt

Implicit Type cl: class.

Definition program : Type := list class.

Implicit Type p: program.

Definition find_class (n: ident) : programoption (class × list class) :=
  fix find p :=
    match p with
    | []None
    | c :: if ident_eqb c.(c_name) n then Some (c, ) else find

Induction principle for exp

Definition exp_ind2 : P : expProp,
  ( i, P (Var i)) →
  ( i, P (State i)) →
  ( c, P (Const c)) →
  ( op es (IHes : Nelist.Forall P es), P (Op op es)) →
   e, P e.
intros P Hvar Hstate Hcons Hop. fix 1.
intros e. destruct e as [i | i | c | op es].
+ apply Hvar.
+ apply Hstate.
+ apply Hcons.
+ apply Hop. now induction es as [e | e es]; constructor.

Decidable equality

Definition exp_eqb : expexpbool.
fix 1.
intros e1 e2.
refine (match e1, e2 with
  | Var x1, Var x2ident_eqb x1 x2
  | State s1, State s2ident_eqb s1 s2
  | Const c1, Const c2const_eqb c1 c2
  | Op op1 es1, Op op2 es2op_eqb op1 op2 && _
  | _, _false
clear e1 e2. revert es2. induction es1 as [e1 | e1 es1]; intros [e2 | e2 es2].
- exact (exp_eqb e1 e2).
- exact false.
- exact false.
- exact (exp_eqb e1 e2 && IHes1 es2).

Lemma exp_eqb_eq:
   e1 e2,
    exp_eqb e1 e2 = true e1 = e2.
induction e1 using exp_ind2; intros e2; destruct e2; simpl; try now split; intro; discriminate.
+ rewrite ident_eqb_eq. now split; intro Heq; inversion Heq.
+ rewrite ident_eqb_eq. now split; intro Heq; inversion Heq.
+ rewrite const_eqb_eq. now split; intro Heq; inversion Heq.
+ rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff, op_eqb_true_iff.
  split; intro Heq.
  - destruct Heq as [? Heq]; subst; split || f_equal; trivial; [].
    revert n Heq. induction es as [| e1 es1]; intros [| e2 es2] Heq; simpl in Heq; try discriminate; [|].
    × inversion_clear IHes. rewrite H in Heq. now subst.
    × rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff in Heq. inversion_clear IHes.
      specialize (IHes1 H0 es2). rewrite H in Heq.
      destruct Heq as [? Heq]; subst; f_equal.
      apply IHes1. simpl. apply Heq.
  - inversion Heq. subst. split; trivial. clear Heq. induction n; simpl; [|].
    × inversion_clear IHes. now rewrite H.
    × inversion_clear IHes. rewrite Bool.andb_true_iff, H. split; trivial. now apply IHn.

Lemma exp_eqb_neq:
   e1 e2,
    exp_eqb e1 e2 = false e1 e2.
  split; intro HH.
  - intro Heq; apply exp_eqb_eq in Heq; rewrite Heq in HH; discriminate.
  - apply Bool.not_true_iff_false.
    intro Htrue; apply exp_eqb_eq in Htrue; intuition.

Lemma exp_eq_dec: (e1: exp) (e2: exp), {e1 = e2}+{e1 e2}.
  intros e1 e2.
  destruct (exp_eqb e1 e2) eqn:Heq; [left|right].
  apply exp_eqb_eq; assumption.
  intro H; apply exp_eqb_eq in H.
  rewrite Heq in H; discriminate.