Library Rustre.Dataflow.MemSemantics
Require Import Rustre.Nelist.
Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Memory.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Stream.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsVariable.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsDefined.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Semantics.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Ordered.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.WellFormed.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Memory.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Stream.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsVariable.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsDefined.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Semantics.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Ordered.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.WellFormed.
Set Implicit Arguments.
The CoreDF+Memory semantics
Definition memory := memory (stream const).
Implicit Type M : memory.
Inductive msem_equation G: stream bool → history → memory → equation → Prop :=
| SEqDef:
∀ bk H M x ck xs ce,
sem_var bk H x xs →
sem_caexp bk H ck ce xs →
msem_equation G bk H M (EqDef x ck ce)
| SEqApp:
∀ bk H M x ck f M´ arg ls xs,
mfind_inst x M = Some M´ →
sem_laexps bk H ck arg ls →
sem_var bk H x xs →
msem_node G f ls M´ xs →
msem_equation G bk H M (EqApp x ck f arg)
| SEqFby:
∀ bk H M ms x ck ls xs v0 le,
mfind_mem x M = Some ms →
ms 0 = v0 →
sem_laexp bk H ck le ls →
sem_var bk H x xs →
(∀ n, match ls n with
| absent ⇒ ms (S n) = ms n ∧ xs n = absent
| present v ⇒ ms (S n) = v ∧ xs n = present (ms n)
end) →
msem_equation G bk H M (EqFby x ck v0 le)
with msem_node G: ident → stream (nelist value) → memory → stream value → Prop :=
| SNode:
∀ bk f xss M ys i o eqs,
clock_of xss bk →
find_node f G = Some (mk_node f i o eqs) →
(∃ H,
sem_vars bk H i xss
∧ sem_var bk H o ys
∧ (∀ n, absent_list xss n ↔ ys n = absent)
∧ Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs) →
msem_node G f xss M ys.
Definition msem_equations G bk H M eqs := List.Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs.
Induction principle for msem_equation and msem_node
Section msem_node_mult.
Variable G: global.
Variable Pn: ∀ (f : ident) xss (M : memory) (ys : stream value),
msem_node G f xss M ys → Prop.
Variable P: ∀ bk (H : history) (M : memory) (eq : equation),
msem_equation G bk H M eq → Prop.
Hypothesis EqDef_case:
∀ (bk : stream bool)
(H : history)
(M : memory)
(x : ident)
(ck : clock)
(xs : stream value)
(ce : cexp)
(Hvar : sem_var bk H x xs)
(Hexp : sem_caexp bk H ck ce xs),
P (SEqDef G M Hvar Hexp).
Hypothesis EqApp_case:
∀ (bk : stream bool)
(H : history)
(M : memory)
(y : ident)
(ck : clock)
(f : ident)
(M´ : memory)
(les : nelist lexp)
(ls : stream (nelist value))
(ys : stream value)
(Hmfind : mfind_inst y M = Some M´)
(Hls : sem_laexps bk H ck les ls)
(Hys : sem_var bk H y ys)
(Hmsem : msem_node G f ls M´ ys),
Pn Hmsem
→ P (SEqApp M Hmfind Hls Hys Hmsem).
Hypothesis EqFby_case:
∀ (bk : stream bool)
(H : history)
(M : memory)
(ms : stream const)
(y : ident)
(ck : clock)
(ls : stream value)
(yS : stream value)
(v0 : const)
(le : lexp)
(Hmfind : mfind_mem y M = Some ms)
(Hms0 : ms 0 = v0)
(Hls : sem_laexp bk H ck le ls)
(HyS : sem_var bk H y yS)
(Hy : ∀ n,
match ls n with
| absent ⇒ ms (S n) = ms n ∧ yS n = absent
| present v ⇒
ms (S n) = v ∧ yS n = (present (ms n))
P (SEqFby G M Hmfind Hms0 Hls HyS Hy).
Hypothesis SNode_case:
∀ (bk : stream bool)
(f : ident)
(xss : stream (nelist value))
(M : memory)
(ys : stream value)
(i : nelist ident)
(o : ident)
(eqs : list equation)
(Hbk : clock_of xss bk)
(Hfind : find_node f G = Some (mk_node f i o eqs))
(Hnode : ∃ H : history,
sem_vars bk H i xss
∧ sem_var bk H o ys
∧ (∀ n, absent_list xss n ↔ ys n = absent)
∧ Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs),
(∃ H : history,
sem_vars bk H i xss
∧ sem_var bk H o ys
∧ (∀ n, absent_list xss n ↔ ys n = absent)
∧ Forall (fun eq⇒∃ Hsem, P (bk := bk) (eq := eq)(M := M)(H := H) Hsem) eqs)
→ Pn (SNode Hbk Hfind Hnode).
Fixpoint msem_node_mult (f : ident)
(xss : stream (nelist value))
(M : memory)
(ys : stream value)
(Hn : msem_node G f xss M ys) {struct Hn}
: Pn Hn :=
match Hn in (msem_node _ f xs M ys) return (Pn Hn) with
| SNode bk f xs M ys i o eqs Hbk Hf Hnode ⇒
SNode_case Hbk Hf Hnode
(match Hnode with
| ex_intro H (conj Hxs (conj Hys (conj Hout Heqs))) ⇒
ex_intro _ H (conj Hxs (conj Hys (conj Hout
(((fix map (eqs : list equation)
(Heqs: Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs) :=
match Heqs in Forall _ fs
return (Forall (fun eq⇒ ∃ Hsem,
P Hsem) fs)
| Forall_nil ⇒ Forall_nil _
| Forall_cons eq eqs Heq Heqs´ ⇒
Forall_cons eq (@ex_intro _ _ Heq
(msem_equation_mult Heq))
(map eqs Heqs´)
end) eqs Heqs)))))
with msem_equation_mult (bk: stream bool)
(H : history)
(M : memory)
(eq : equation)
(Heq : msem_equation G bk H M eq) {struct Heq}
: P Heq :=
match Heq in (msem_equation _ _ H M eq) return (P Heq)
| SEqDef bk H M y ck xs cae Hvar Hexp ⇒ EqDef_case M Hvar Hexp
| SEqApp bk H M y ck f M´ lae ls ys Hmfind Hls Hys Hmsem ⇒
EqApp_case M Hmfind Hls Hys (msem_node_mult Hmsem)
| SEqFby bk H M ms x ck ls yS v0 lae Hmfind Hms0 Hls hyS Hy ⇒
EqFby_case M Hmfind Hms0 Hls hyS Hy
End msem_node_mult.
Definition msem_nodes (G: global) : Prop :=
Forall (fun no ⇒ ∃ xs M ys, msem_node G no.(n_name) xs M ys) G.
Lemma subrate_property_eqn:
∀ G H M bk xss eqn n,
clock_of xss bk →
msem_equation G bk H M eqn →
absent_list xss n →
rhs_absent_instant (bk n) (restr H n) eqn.
intros × Hck Hsem Habs.
assert (Hbk: bk n = false).
destruct (Bool.bool_dec (bk n) false) as [Hbk | Hbk]; eauto.
apply Bool.not_false_is_true in Hbk.
eapply Hck in Hbk.
destruct Hbk as [vs Hpres].
unfold present_list in Hpres; rewrite Habs in Hpres.
destruct (xss n); destruct vs; simpl in Hpres; discriminate Hpres.
rewrite Hbk in ×.
destruct eqn;
try repeat
match goal with
| |- rhs_absent_instant false _ (EqDef _ _ _) ⇒
| |- rhs_absent_instant false _ (EqFby _ _ _ _) ⇒
| |- rhs_absent_instant false _ (EqApp _ _ _ ?ls) ⇒
apply AEqApp with (vs := (fun _ ⇒ absent) ls)
| |- sem_caexp_instant false _ ?ck ?ce absent ⇒
apply SCabs
| |- sem_clock_instant false _ ?ck false ⇒
apply subrate_clock
| |- sem_laexp_instant false _ ?ck ?le absent ⇒
apply SLabs
| |- sem_laexps_instant false _ ?ck ?les _ ⇒
apply SLabss; eauto
clear Hsem Habs.
apply Forall_map. induction l; try apply IHl; constructor; auto.
Lemma subrate_property_eqns:
∀ G H M bk xss eqns n,
clock_of xss bk →
msem_equations G bk H M eqns →
absent_list xss n →
List.Forall (rhs_absent_instant (bk n) (restr H n)) eqns.
intros × Hck Hsem Habs.
induction eqns as [|eqn eqns]; auto.
inversion_clear Hsem.
eapply subrate_property_eqn; eauto.
eapply IHeqns; eauto.
Lemma msem_node_cons:
∀ node G f xs M ys,
Ordered_nodes (node::G)
→ msem_node (node :: G) f xs M ys
→ node.(n_name) ≠ f
→ msem_node G f xs M ys.
intros node G f xs M ys Hord Hsem Hnf.
revert Hnf.
induction Hsem as [
| bk H M y ck f M´ les ls ys Hmfind Hls Hys Hmsem IH
| bk f xs M ys i o eqs Hbk Hf Heqs IH ]
using msem_node_mult
with (P := fun bk H M eq Hsem ⇒ ¬Is_node_in_eq node.(n_name) eq
→ msem_equation G bk H M eq).
- econstructor; eauto.
- intro Hnin.
eapply SEqApp with (1:=Hmfind) (2:=Hls) (3:=Hys).
apply IH. intro Hnf. apply Hnin. rewrite Hnf. constructor.
- intro; eapply SEqFby; eassumption.
- intro.
rewrite find_node_tl with (1:=Hnf) in Hf.
eapply SNode; eauto.
clear Heqs.
destruct IH as [H [Hxs [Hys [Hout Heqs]]]].
∃ H.
split; [exact Hxs|].
split; [exact Hys|].
split; [exact Hout|].
apply find_node_later_not_Is_node_in with (2:=Hf) in Hord.
apply Is_node_in_Forall in Hord.
apply Forall_Forall with (1:=Hord) in Heqs.
apply Forall_impl with (2:=Heqs).
destruct 1 as [Hnini [Hsem HH]].
Lemma msem_node_cons2:
∀ nd G f xs M ys,
Ordered_nodes G
→ msem_node G f xs M ys
→ Forall (fun nd´ : node ⇒ n_name nd ≠ n_name nd´) G
→ msem_node (nd::G) f xs M ys.
Hint Constructors msem_equation.
intros nd G f xs M ys Hord Hsem Hnin.
assert (Hnin´:=Hnin).
revert Hnin´.
induction Hsem as [
| bk H M y f M´ lae ls ys Hmfind Hls Hys Hmsem IH
| bk f xs M ys i o eqs Hbk Hfind Heqs IH ]
using msem_node_mult
with (P := fun bk H M eq Hsem ⇒ ¬Is_node_in_eq nd.(n_name) eq
→ msem_equation (nd::G) bk H M eq);
try eauto; intro HH.
clear HH.
assert (nd.(n_name) ≠ f) as Hnf.
{ intro Hnf.
rewrite Hnf in ×.
apply find_node_split in Hfind.
destruct Hfind as [bG [aG Hge]].
rewrite Hge in Hnin.
apply Forall_app in Hnin.
destruct Hnin as [H0 Hfg]; clear H0.
inversion_clear Hfg.
match goal with H:f≠_ |- False ⇒ apply H end.
reflexivity. }
apply find_node_other with (2:=Hfind) in Hnf.
econstructor; eauto.
clear Heqs.
destruct IH as [H [Hxs [Hys [Hout Heqs]]]].
∃ H.
intuition; clear Hxs Hys.
assert (∀ g, Is_node_in g eqs
→ Exists (fun nd⇒ g = nd.(n_name)) G)
as Hniex
by (intros g Hini;
apply find_node_find_again with (1:=Hord) (2:=Hfind) in Hini;
exact Hini).
assert (Forall
(fun eq⇒ ∀ g,
Is_node_in_eq g eq
→ Exists (fun nd⇒ g = nd.(n_name)) G) eqs) as HH.
clear Hfind Heqs Hnf.
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now constructor|].
- intros g Hini.
apply Hniex.
constructor 1; apply Hini.
- apply IH.
intros g Hini; apply Hniex.
constructor 2; apply Hini.
apply Forall_Forall with (1:=HH) in Heqs.
apply Forall_impl with (2:=Heqs).
intros eq IH.
destruct IH as [Hsem [IH0 IH1]].
apply IH1.
intro Hini.
apply Hsem in Hini.
apply Forall_Exists with (1:=Hnin) in Hini.
apply Exists_exists in Hini.
destruct Hini as [nd´ [Hin [Hneq Heq]]].
Lemma msem_equation_cons2:
∀ G bk H M eqs nd,
Ordered_nodes (nd::G)
→ Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs
→ ¬Is_node_in nd.(n_name) eqs
→ Forall (msem_equation (nd::G) bk H M) eqs.
Hint Constructors msem_equation.
intros G bk H M eqs nd Hord Hsem Hnini.
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now constructor|].
apply Forall_cons2 in Hsem.
destruct Hsem as [Heq Heqs].
apply not_Is_node_in_cons in Hnini.
destruct Hnini as [Hnini Hninis].
apply IH with (2:=Hninis) in Heqs.
constructor; [|now apply Heqs].
destruct Heq as [|? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hmfind Hls Hxs Hmsem|]; try now eauto.
econstructor; eauto.
inversion_clear Hord as [|? ? Hord´ Hnn Hnns].
apply msem_node_cons2 with (1:=Hord´) (3:=Hnns).
apply Hmsem.
Lemma find_node_msem_node:
∀ G f,
msem_nodes G
→ find_node f G ≠ None
→ (∃ xs M ys, msem_node G f xs M ys).
intros G f Hnds Hfind.
apply find_node_Exists in Hfind.
apply List.Exists_exists in Hfind.
destruct Hfind as [nd [Hin Hf]].
unfold msem_nodes in Hnds.
rewrite Forall_forall in Hnds.
apply Hnds in Hin.
destruct Hin as [xs [M [ys Hmsem]]].
∃ xs; ∃ M; ∃ ys.
rewrite Hf in ×.
exact Hmsem.
Lemma Forall_msem_equation_global_tl:
∀ nd G bk H M eqs,
Ordered_nodes (nd::G)
→ (∀ f, Is_node_in f eqs → find_node f G ≠ None)
→ ¬ Is_node_in nd.(n_name) eqs
→ Forall (msem_equation (nd::G) bk H M) eqs
→ Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs.
intros nd G bk H M eqs Hord.
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; trivial; [].
intros Hfind Hnini Hmsem.
apply Forall_cons2 in Hmsem; destruct Hmsem as [Hseq Hseqs].
apply IH in Hseqs.
- apply Forall_cons; trivial.
inversion Hseq as [|? ? ? ? ? ? Hmfind Hmsem|]; subst; eauto; [].
apply not_Is_node_in_cons in Hnini.
destruct Hnini.
assert (nd.(n_name) ≠ f).
{ intro HH.
apply H0.
rewrite HH.
constructor. }
inversion_clear Hseq.
eauto using msem_node_cons.
- intros f Hini.
apply (List.Exists_cons_tl eq) in Hini.
now apply (Hfind _ Hini).
- apply not_Is_node_in_cons in Hnini.
now destruct Hnini.
Lemma msem_equation_madd_mem:
∀ G bk H M x ms eqs,
¬Is_defined_in_eqs x eqs
→ Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs
→ Forall (msem_equation G bk H (madd_mem x ms M)) eqs.
Hint Constructors msem_equation.
intros G bk H M x ms eqs Hnd Hsem.
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now constructor|].
apply not_Is_defined_in_cons in Hnd.
destruct Hnd as [Hnd Hnds].
apply Forall_cons2 in Hsem.
destruct Hsem as [Hsem Hsems].
constructor; [|now apply IH with (1:=Hnds) (2:=Hsems)].
destruct Hsem as [| |? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hmfind Hms0 Hlae Hvar]; try now eauto.
apply not_Is_defined_in_eq_EqFby in Hnd.
eapply SEqFby; try eassumption.
apply not_eq_sym in Hnd.
rewrite mfind_mem_gso with (1:=Hnd).
exact Hmfind.
Lemma msem_equation_madd_obj:
∀ G bk H M M´ x eqs,
¬Is_defined_in_eqs x eqs
→ Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs
→ Forall (msem_equation G bk H (madd_obj x M´ M)) eqs.
Hint Constructors msem_equation.
intros × Hnd Hsem.
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH]; [now constructor|].
apply not_Is_defined_in_cons in Hnd.
destruct Hnd as [Hnd Hnds].
apply Forall_cons2 in Hsem.
destruct Hsem as [Hsem Hsems].
constructor; [|now apply IH with (1:=Hnds) (2:=Hsems)].
destruct Hsem as [|? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hmfind Hls Hxs Hmsem|]; try now eauto.
apply not_Is_defined_in_eq_EqApp in Hnd.
econstructor; eauto.
apply not_eq_sym in Hnd.
erewrite mfind_inst_gso; eauto.
Fundamental theorem
Lemma sem_msem_eq:
∀ G bk H eqs M eq mems argIn,
(∀ f xs ys, sem_node G f xs ys
→ ∃ M : memory, msem_node G f xs M ys)
→ sem_equation G bk H eq
→ Is_well_sch mems argIn (eq::eqs)
→ Forall (msem_equation G bk H M) eqs
→ ∃ M´, Forall (msem_equation G bk H M´) (eq::eqs).
intros G bk H eqs M eq mems argIn IH Heq Hwsch Hmeqs.
inversion Heq as [? ? ? ? ? ? Hsem
|? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hls Hxs Hsem
|? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hle Hvar];
match goal with H:_=eq |- _ ⇒ rewrite <-H in × end.
- ∃ M.
constructor ((econstructor; eassumption) || assumption).
- apply IH in Hsem.
destruct Hsem as [M´ Hmsem].
∃ (madd_obj x M´ M).
+ now apply mfind_inst_gss.
+ exact Hls.
+ exact Hxs.
+ exact Hmsem.
+ inversion_clear Hwsch.
eauto using msem_equation_madd_obj.
- ∃ (madd_mem x (hold v0 ls) M).
+ now apply mfind_mem_gss.
+ reflexivity.
+ exact Hle.
+ intros n.
specialize (Hvar n); simpl in Hvar.
+ intro n.
destruct (ls n) eqn:Hls.
× split; [simpl; rewrite Hls; reflexivity|].
rewrite H1. unfold fby. rewrite Hls; auto.
× split; [simpl; rewrite Hls; reflexivity|].
rewrite H1. unfold fby. rewrite Hls; auto.
+ inversion_clear Hwsch.
apply msem_equation_madd_mem; eauto.
Lemma sem_msem_eqs:
∀ G bk H eqs mems argIn,
(∀ f xs ys, sem_node G f xs ys
→ ∃ M : memory, msem_node G f xs M ys)
→ Is_well_sch mems argIn eqs
→ Forall (sem_equation G bk H) eqs
→ ∃ M´, Forall (msem_equation G bk H M´) eqs.
intros G bk H eqs mems argIn IH Hwsch Heqs.
induction eqs as [|eq eqs IHeqs]; [∃ (empty_memory _); now constructor|].
apply Forall_cons2 in Heqs.
destruct Heqs as [Heq Heqs].
apply IHeqs with (1:=Is_well_sch_cons _ _ _ _ Hwsch) in Heqs.
destruct Heqs as [M Heqs].
now apply sem_msem_eq with (1:=IH) (2:=Heq) (3:=Hwsch) (4:=Heqs).
Theorem sem_msem_node:
∀ G f xs ys,
Welldef_global G
→ sem_node G f xs ys
→ (∃ M, msem_node G f xs M ys).
induction G as [|node].
inversion 2;
match goal with Hf: find_node _ [] = _ |- _ ⇒ inversion Hf end.
intros f xs ys Hwdef Hsem.
assert (Hsem´ := Hsem).
inversion_clear Hsem´ as [? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hbk Hfind HH].
destruct HH as [H [Hxs [Hys [Hout Heqs]]]].
pose proof (Welldef_global_Ordered_nodes _ Hwdef) as Hord.
pose proof (Welldef_global_cons _ _ Hwdef) as HwdefG.
pose proof (find_node_not_Is_node_in _ _ _ Hord Hfind) as Hnini.
simpl in Hnini.
simpl in Hfind.
destruct (ident_eqb node.(n_name) f) eqn:Hnf.
- assert (Hord´:=Hord).
inversion_clear Hord as [|? ? Hord´´ Hnneqs Hnn].
injection Hfind; intro HR; rewrite HR in *; clear HR; simpl in ×.
apply Forall_sem_equation_global_tl with (1:=Hord´) (2:=Hnini) in Heqs.
assert (∀ f xs ys,
sem_node G f xs ys
→ ∃ M, msem_node G f xs M ys) as IHG´
by auto.
inversion_clear Hwdef as [|? ? ? ? Hw0 neqs ? Hwsch Hw2 Hw3 Hw4 Hw5 Hw6].
simpl in neqs; unfold neqs in ×.
pose proof (sem_msem_eqs IHG´ Hwsch Heqs) as HH.
destruct HH as [M Hmsem].
∃ M.
+ eauto.
+ simpl; rewrite ident_eqb_refl. reflexivity.
+ ∃ H.
split; [exact Hxs|].
split; [exact Hys|].
split; [exact Hout|].
eapply msem_equation_cons2; eauto.
- apply ident_eqb_neq in Hnf.
apply sem_node_cons with (1:=Hord) (3:=Hnf) in Hsem.
inversion_clear Hord as [|? ? Hord´ H0 Hnig].
apply IHG with (1:=HwdefG) in Hsem.
destruct Hsem as [M Hsem].
∃ M.
apply msem_node_cons2 with (1:=Hord´) (3:=Hnig).
exact Hsem.