Library Rustre.Dataflow.Ordered

Require Import PArith.
Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.

Ordering of nodes

The compilation of a whole program is only correct if that program satisfies the Ordered_nodes predicate, which states that a node may only call nodes that were defined earlier.
Remark: Ordered_nodes is implied by Welldef_global.

Inductive Is_node_in_eq : identequationProp :=
| INI: x ck f e, Is_node_in_eq f (EqApp x ck f e).

Definition Is_node_in (f: ident) (eqs: list equation) : Prop :=
  List.Exists (Is_node_in_eq f) eqs.

Inductive Ordered_nodes : globalProp :=
| ONnil: Ordered_nodes nil
| ONcons:
     nd nds,
      Ordered_nodes nds
      → ( f, Is_node_in f nd.(n_eqs) →
                    f nd.(n_name)
                     List.Exists (fun nf = n.(n_name)) nds)
      → List.Forall (fun nd´nd.(n_name) nd´.(n_name)) nds
      → Ordered_nodes (nd::nds).

Properties of Is_node_in

Section Is_node_Properties.

  Lemma not_Is_node_in_cons:
     n eq eqs,
      ¬ Is_node_in n (eq::eqs) ¬Is_node_in_eq n eq ¬Is_node_in n eqs.
    intros n eq eqs.
    split; intro HH.
    - split; intro; apply HH; unfold Is_node_in; intuition.
    - destruct HH; inversion_clear 1; intuition.

  Lemma Is_node_in_Forall:
     n eqs,
      ¬Is_node_in n eqs List.Forall (fun eq¬Is_node_in_eq n eq) eqs.
    induction eqs as [|eq eqs IH];
    [split; [now constructor|now inversion 2]|].
    split; intro HH.
    - apply not_Is_node_in_cons in HH.
      destruct HH as [Heq Heqs].
      constructor; [exact Heq|apply IH with (1:=Heqs)].
    - apply not_Is_node_in_cons.
      inversion_clear HH as [|? ? Heq Heqs].
      apply IH in Heqs.

  Lemma find_node_Exists:
     f G, find_node f G None List.Exists (fun nf = n.(n_name)) G.
    induction G as [|node G IH].
    - split; intro Hfn.
      exfalso; apply Hfn; reflexivity.
      apply List.Exists_nil in Hfn; contradiction.
    - destruct (ident_eq_dec node.(n_name) f) as [He|Hne]; simpl.
      + assert (He´ := He); apply BinPos.Pos.eqb_eq in He´.
        unfold ident_eqb; rewrite He´.
        split; intro HH; [clear HH|discriminate 1].
        symmetry; exact He.
      + assert (Hne´ := Hne); apply BinPos.Pos.eqb_neq in Hne´.
        unfold ident_eqb; rewrite Hne´.
        split; intro HH; [ apply IH in HH; constructor 2; exact HH |].
        apply List.Exists_cons in HH.
        destruct HH as [HH|HH]; [symmetry in HH; contradiction|].
        apply IH; exact HH.

  Lemma find_node_tl:
     f node G,
      node.(n_name) f
      → find_node f (node::G) = find_node f G.
    intros f node G Hnf.
    unfold find_node.
    unfold List.find at 1.
    apply Pos.eqb_neq in Hnf.
    unfold ident_eqb.
    rewrite Hnf.

  Lemma find_node_split:
     f G node,
      find_node f G = Some node
      → bG aG,
           G = bG ++ node :: aG.
    induction G as [|nd G IH]; [unfold find_node, List.find; discriminate|].
    intro nd´.
    intro Hfind.
    unfold find_node in Hfind; simpl in Hfind.
    destruct (ident_eqb (n_name nd) f) eqn:Heq.
    - injection Hfind; intro He; rewrite <-He in *; clear Hfind He.
       []; G; reflexivity.
    - apply IH in Hfind.
      destruct Hfind as [bG [aG Hfind]].
       (nd::bG); aG; rewrite Hfind; reflexivity.

  Lemma find_node_name:
     f G fnode,
      find_node f G = Some fnodefnode.(n_name) = f.
    induction G as [|node G IH]; [now inversion 1|].
    destruct node as [name input output eqs].
    destruct (ident_eqb name f) eqn:Hfn;
      assert (Hfn´:=Hfn);
      [apply Pos.eqb_eq in Hfn´; rewrite Hfn´ in *|apply Pos.eqb_neq in Hfn´];
      simpl; rewrite Hfn.
    - injection 1; intro Heq; rewrite <-Heq; reflexivity.
    - intros fnode Hfnode.
      apply IH with (1:=Hfnode).

End Is_node_Properties.

Properties of Ordered_nodes

Section Ordered_nodes_Properties.

  Lemma Ordered_nodes_append:
     G ,
      Ordered_nodes (G ++ )
      → Ordered_nodes .
    induction G as [|nd G IH]; [intuition|].
    intros HnGG.
    apply IH; inversion_clear HnGG; assumption.

  Lemma Ordered_nodes_cons_find_node_None:
     node G,
      Ordered_nodes (node::G)
      → find_node node.(n_name) G = None.
    intros node G Hord.
    inversion_clear Hord as [|? ? Hord´ H0 Hfa]; clear H0.
    induction G as [|eq G IH]; [trivial|].
    destruct (ident_eqb eq.(n_name) node.(n_name)) eqn:Heq;
      apply Forall_cons2 in Hfa;
      destruct Hfa as [Hneq H0].
    - apply Peqb_true_eq in Heq.
      rewrite Heq in Hneq.
      exfalso; apply Hneq; reflexivity.
    - apply IH; inversion_clear Hord´; assumption.

  Lemma find_node_later_names_not_eq:
     f nd G nd´,
      Ordered_nodes (nd::G)
      → find_node f (G) = Some nd´
      → f nd.(n_name).
    intros f nd G nd´ Hord Hfind.
    pose proof (Ordered_nodes_cons_find_node_None _ _ Hord) as Hnone.
    intro Heq.
    rewrite Heq, Hnone in Hfind.

  Lemma find_node_later_not_Is_node_in:
     f nd G nd´,
      Ordered_nodes (nd::G)
      → find_node f G = Some nd´
      → ¬Is_node_in nd.(n_name) nd´.(n_eqs).
    intros f nd G nd´ Hord Hfind Hini.
    apply find_node_split in Hfind.
    destruct Hfind as [bG [aG HG]].
    rewrite HG in Hord.
    inversion_clear Hord as [|? ? Hord´ H0 Hnin]; clear H0.
    apply Ordered_nodes_append in Hord´.
    inversion_clear Hord´ as [| ? ? Hord Heqs Hnin´].
    apply Heqs in Hini.
    destruct Hini as [H0 HH]; clear H0.
    rewrite Forall_app in Hnin.
    destruct Hnin as [H0 Hnin]; clear H0.
    inversion_clear Hnin as [|? ? H0 HH´]; clear H0.
    apply List.Exists_exists in HH.
    destruct HH as [node [HaG Heq]].
    rewrite List.Forall_forall in HH´.
    apply HH´ in HaG.

  Lemma find_node_not_Is_node_in:
     f nd G,
      Ordered_nodes G
      → find_node f G = Some nd
      → ¬Is_node_in nd.(n_name) nd.(n_eqs).
    intros f nd G Hord Hfind.
    apply find_node_split in Hfind.
    destruct Hfind as [bG [aG HG]].
    rewrite HG in Hord.
    apply Ordered_nodes_append in Hord.
    inversion_clear Hord as [|? ? Hord´ Heqs Hnin].
    intro Hini.
    apply Heqs in Hini.
    destruct Hini as [HH H0]; clear H0.
    apply HH; reflexivity.

End Ordered_nodes_Properties.