Library Rustre.Translation

Require Import Coq.FSets.FMapPositive.
Require Import PArith.
Require Import Rustre.Nelist.
Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Minimp.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Memories.

Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope positive.
Open Scope list.
Require Import Nelist.


Identification of node instances

Each node application in CoreDF turns into a method call in the imperative setting. This means that, upon initializing a node, one must declare a new instance for each its application.
Remark: it is necessary to distinguish different instantiations of the same node (i.e., different objects of the same class). This is done in Auger's thesis in the language LSNI, where node applications are assigned unique identifiers. His context is richer, in particular, because the result of a node application may be assigned to a pattern-tuple containing multiple identifiers.
Here, we take advantage of the fact that the result of a node application is assigned to a single variable. We use the name of that variable to identify the instance.

Definition gather_eq (acc: list ident × list obj_dec) (eq: equation) :=
  match eq with
  | EqDef _ _ _acc
  | EqApp x _ f _(fst acc, mk_obj_dec x f :: snd acc)
  | EqFby x _ v0 _(x::fst acc, snd acc)

Definition gather_eqs (eqs: list equation) : (list ident × list obj_dec) :=
  List.fold_left gather_eq eqs ([], []).


Section Translate.

Variable memories : PS.t.

Definition tovar (x: ident) : exp :=
  if PS.mem x memories then State x else Var x.

Fixpoint Control (ck: clock) (s: stmt) : stmt :=
  match ck with
  | Cbases
  | Con ck x trueControl ck (Ifte (tovar x) s Skip)
  | Con ck x falseControl ck (Ifte (tovar x) Skip s)

Fixpoint translate_lexp (e : lexp) : exp :=
  match e with
  | Econst cConst c
  | Evar xif PS.mem x memories then State x else Var x
  | Ewhen e c xtranslate_lexp e
  | Eop op esOp op (nelist_rec _ (fun enebase (translate_lexp e))
                                    (fun e _ recnecons (translate_lexp e) rec) es)

The Opp case should be written as
       [Op op ( translate_lexp es)]
but this is not structural enough for Coq.

Fixpoint translate_cexp (x: ident) (e: cexp) : stmt :=
  match e with
  | Emerge y t fIfte (tovar y) (translate_cexp x t) (translate_cexp x f)
  | Eexp lAssign x (translate_lexp l)

Definition translate_eqn (eqn: equation) : stmt :=
  match eqn with
  | EqDef x ck ceControl ck (translate_cexp x ce)
  | EqApp x ck f lesControl ck (Step_ap x f x (map translate_lexp les))
  | EqFby x ck v leControl ck (AssignSt x (translate_lexp le))

Remark: eqns ordered in reverse order of execution for coherence with Is_well_sch.

Definition translate_eqns (eqns: list equation) : stmt :=
  List.fold_left (fun i eqComp (translate_eqn eq) i) eqns Skip.

End Translate.

Definition translate_reset_eqn (s: stmt) (eqn: equation) : stmt :=
  match eqn with
  | EqDef _ _ _s
  | EqFby x _ v0 _Comp (AssignSt x (Const v0)) s
  | EqApp x _ f _Comp (Reset_ap f x) s

Definition translate_reset_eqns (eqns: list equation): stmt :=
  List.fold_left translate_reset_eqn eqns Skip.

Definition ps_from_list (l: list ident) : PS.t :=
  List.fold_left (fun s iPS.add i s) l PS.empty.

Definition translate_node (n: node): class :=
  let names := gather_eqs n.(n_eqs) in
  let mems := ps_from_list (fst names) in
  mk_class n.(n_name)
           (fst names)
           (snd names)
           (translate_eqns mems n.(n_eqs))
           (translate_reset_eqns n.(n_eqs)).

Definition translate (G: global) : program := translate_node G.


Lemma ps_from_list_pre_spec:
   x l S, (List.In x l PS.In x S)
                PS.In x (List.fold_left (fun s iPS.add i s) l S).
  induction l as [|l ls IH].
  - firstorder.
  - split; intro HH.
    + firstorder.
    + apply IH in HH.
      destruct HH as [HH|HH]; try apply PS.add_spec in HH; firstorder.

Lemma ps_from_list_spec:
   x l, List.In x l PS.In x (ps_from_list l).
  unfold ps_from_list.
  rewrite <- ps_from_list_pre_spec with (S:=PS.empty).
  split; try intros [H | H]; try tauto.
  apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction.