Library Rustre.Dataflow.Memories

Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import PArith.

Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.

Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.

Collecting memory cells

The memories function collects the set of variables that will turn into heap variables after compilation, ie. variables denoting an fby equation.
We (ought to) have the following equivalence: x, PS.In x (memories eqs) ¬ Is_Variable x eqs

Fixpoint memory_eq (mems: PS.t) (eq: equation) {struct eq} : PS.t :=
  match eq with
  | EqFby x _ _ _PS.add x mems
  | _mems

Definition memories (eqs: list equation) : PS.t :=
  List.fold_left memory_eq eqs PS.empty.


Lemma In_fold_left_memory_eq:
   x eqs m,
    PS.In x (List.fold_left memory_eq eqs m)
     PS.In x (List.fold_left memory_eq eqs PS.empty) PS.In x m.
  induction eqs as [|eq].
  - split; auto.
    destruct 1 as [H|].
    apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction.
  - split.
    + intro H.
      simpl; rewrite IHeqs.
      simpl in H; apply IHeqs in H; destruct H; auto.
      destruct eq; auto.
      apply PS.add_spec in H.
      destruct H.
      rewrite H; left; right; apply PS.add_spec; intuition.
    + destruct 1 as [H|H].
      × simpl in H; rewrite IHeqs in H; apply IHeqs; destruct H; auto.
        destruct eq; try (apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction).
        simpl; apply PS.add_spec.
        apply PS.add_spec in H; destruct H;
        try apply not_In_empty in H; intuition.
      × apply IHeqs; right; destruct eq; auto.
        apply PS.add_spec; auto.