Library Rustre.Dataflow.WellFormed.Decide

Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsFree.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsFree.Decide.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsVariable.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsVariable.Decide.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsDefined.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsDefined.Decide.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.WellFormed.

Well formed CoreDF programs: decision procedure

Decision procedure for the Is_well_sch predicate. We show that it is equivalent to its specification.
Remark: This development is not formally part of the correctness proof.

Section Decide.

Variable mems : PS.t.

Open Scope bool_scope.

Definition check_var (defined: PS.t) (variables: PS.t) (x: ident) : bool :=
  if PS.mem x mems
  then negb (PS.mem x defined)
  else PS.mem x variables.

Lemma check_var_spec:
   defined variables x,
    check_var defined variables x = true
    (PS.In x mems¬PS.In x defined)
     (¬PS.In x memsPS.In x variables).
  intros defined variables x.
  unfold check_var.
  - intro Hif.
    split; intro Hin.
    + apply PS.mem_spec in Hin.
      rewrite Hin, Bool.negb_true_iff in Hif.
      apply mem_spec_false in Hif. exact Hif.
    + apply mem_spec_false in Hin.
      rewrite Hin, PS.mem_spec in Hif. exact Hif.
  - destruct 1 as [Hin Hnin].
    destruct In_dec with x mems as [H|H].
    + assert (PS.mem x mems = true) as by auto.
      rewrite , Bool.negb_true_iff, mem_spec_false.
      now apply Hin with (1:=H).
    + assert (PS.mem x mems = false) as by now apply mem_spec_false.
      rewrite , PS.mem_spec.
      now apply Hnin with (1:=H).

Definition check_eq (eq: equation) (acc: bool×PS.t×PS.t)
                : bool×PS.t×PS.t :=
  match acc with
  | (true, defined, variables)
    match defined_eq eq with
    | x((PS.for_all (check_var defined variables)
                        (free_in_equation eq PS.empty))
              && (negb (PS.mem x defined)),
            PS.add x defined, add_variable_eq variables eq)
  | (false, _, _)(false, PS.empty, PS.empty)

Definition well_sch (args: Nelist.nelist ident) (eqs: list equation) : bool :=
  fst (fst (List.fold_right check_eq
                             Nelist.fold_left (fun a bPS.add b a) args PS.empty)

Lemma not_for_all_spec:
   (s : PS.t) (f : BinNums.positivebool),
    SetoidList.compat_bool PS.E.eq f
    (PS.for_all f s = false ~(PS.For_all (fun x : PS.eltf x = true) s)).
  intros s f HSL.
  - intros Hfa HFa.
    apply (PS.for_all_spec _ HSL) in HFa.
    rewrite Hfa in HFa.
  - intro HFa.
    apply Bool.not_true_iff_false.
    intro Hfa; apply HFa.
    apply (PS.for_all_spec _ HSL).

Lemma check_var_compat:
   defined variables,
    SetoidList.compat_bool PS.E.eq (check_var defined variables).
  intros defined variables x y Heq.
  unfold PS.E.eq in Heq.
  rewrite Heq.

Lemma in_nelist_fold_left:
   x xs S,
    PS.In x (Nelist.fold_left (fun xPS.add x ) xs S)
    Nelist.In x xs PS.In x S.
  induction xs as [|y xs IH].
  split; intro H; [apply PS.add_spec in H|apply PS.add_spec]; now auto.
  intro S; split; intro H.
  - apply IH in H.
    destruct H.
    left; apply Nelist.in_necons_spec; auto.
    apply PS.add_spec in H; simpl; intuition.
  - simpl; apply IH; simpl in H; intuition.

Lemma well_sch_pre_spec:
   args eqs good defined variables,
    (good, defined, variables)
        = List.fold_right check_eq (true, PS.empty, Nelist.fold_left (fun a bPS.add b a) args PS.empty) eqs
    (good = true
     → (Is_well_sch mems args eqs
          ( x, PS.In x defined Is_defined_in_eqs x eqs)
          ( x, PS.In x variables Is_variable_in_eqs x eqs Nelist.In x args)))
     (good = false¬Is_well_sch mems args eqs).
  induction eqs as [|eq].
    simpl. injection 1. intros.
    subst variables; subst defined; subst good.
    repeat match goal with
           | H:PS.In _ PS.empty |- _apply PS.empty_spec in H; contradiction
           | H:Is_defined_in_eqs _ nil |- _inversion H
           | H:Is_variable_in_eqs _ nil |- _inversion H
           | H: context[Nelist.fold_left _ _ _] |- _
             apply in_nelist_fold_left in H
           | _intuition
    apply in_nelist_fold_left; auto.
    intros good defined variables HH.
    destruct (List.fold_right check_eq (true, PS.empty,
                 Nelist.fold_left (fun (a : PS.t) (b : positive) ⇒ PS.add b a)
                                  args PS.empty) eqs)
      as [[good´ defined´] variables´] eqn:Heq.
    specialize IHeqs with good´ defined´ variables´.
    pose proof (IHeqs (eq_refl (good´, defined´, variables´))) as IH;
      clear IHeqs.
    destruct IH as [IHt IHf].
    split; intro Hg; rewrite Hg in *; clear Hg.
      simpl in HH; rewrite Heq in HH.
      simpl in HH.
      destruct good´; [|discriminate].
      specialize (IHt eq_refl).
      clear IHf; destruct IHt as [IHwsch [IHdef IHvar]].
      injection HH; clear HH; intros Hv Hd H.
      subst variables; subst defined.
      symmetry in H.
      apply Bool.andb_true_iff in H.
      destruct H as [H1 H2].
      apply PS.for_all_spec in H1; [|now apply check_var_compat].
      apply Bool.negb_true_iff in H2.
      apply mem_spec_false in H2.
      split; [|split].
        intros x Hfree.
        apply free_in_equation_spec´ in Hfree.
        apply H1 in Hfree.
        apply check_var_spec in Hfree.
        destruct Hfree as [Hfree1 Hfree2].
        split; intro HH; (apply Hfree1 in HH || apply Hfree2 in HH).
        intro Hdef; apply IHdef in Hdef; apply HH; assumption.
        apply IHvar; assumption.
        intros x Hdef Hdefs; apply IHdef in Hdefs.
        apply defined_eq_Is_defined_in in Hdef.
        rewrite Hdef in ×.
        apply H2; assumption.
        intro x; split; intro HH.
        apply PS.add_spec in HH.
        destruct HH as [HH|HH].
        subst x; constructor; apply defined_eq_Is_defined_in; reflexivity.
        apply IHdef in HH.
        constructor (assumption).
        apply PS.add_spec.
        inversion_clear HH.
        apply defined_eq_Is_defined_in in H; subst x; auto.
        right; apply IHdef; assumption.
        intro x; split; intro HH.
        apply add_variable_eq_empty in HH.
        destruct HH as [HH|HH].
        destruct eq;
          ((apply PS.add_spec in HH;
             destruct HH as [HH|HH];
             [subst i; left; now repeat constructor
             |apply PS.empty_spec in HH; contradiction])
           || apply PS.empty_spec in HH; contradiction).
        apply IHvar in HH; intuition; left; constructor (assumption).
        apply add_variable_eq_empty.
        destruct HH as [HH|HH].
        apply Is_variable_in_cons in HH.
        destruct HH as [HH|HH]; [left|right].
        destruct eq; inversion_clear HH; simpl; now intuition.
        apply IHvar; intuition.
        right; apply IHvar; auto.
      intro Hwsch.
      simpl in HH; rewrite Heq in HH; clear Heq; simpl in HH.
      destruct good´; [specialize (IHt eq_refl); clear IHf
                      | specialize (IHf eq_refl);
                        apply Is_well_sch_cons in Hwsch;
                        apply IHf with (1:=Hwsch)].
      destruct IHt as [_ [IHdef IHvar]].
      injection HH; clear HH; intros Hv Hd HH.
      subst variables; subst defined; symmetry in HH.
      apply Bool.andb_false_iff in HH.
      inversion_clear Hwsch as [|Ha Hb Hwschs Hfree Hdefd].
      destruct HH as [HH|HH].
        apply not_for_all_spec in HH; [|apply check_var_compat].
        apply HH; clear HH.
        intros x HH.
        apply free_in_equation_spec in HH.
        destruct HH as [HH|HH]; [|apply PS.empty_spec in HH].
        apply Hfree in HH.
        destruct HH as [Hmem Hvar];
          apply check_var_spec; split; intro HHm;
          (specialize (Hmem HHm) || specialize (Hvar HHm)).
        intro Hdef; apply IHdef in Hdef; apply Hmem; assumption.
        apply IHvar; intuition.
        apply Bool.negb_false_iff in HH.
        rewrite PS.mem_spec in HH.
        apply Hdefd with (i:=defined_eq eq).
        apply defined_eq_Is_defined_in; reflexivity.
        apply IHdef; assumption.

Lemma well_sch_spec:
   args eqns,
    if well_sch args eqns
    then Is_well_sch mems args eqns
    else ¬Is_well_sch mems args eqns.
  intros args eqns.
  pose proof (well_sch_pre_spec args eqns).
  unfold well_sch.
  destruct (List.fold_right check_eq
   (true, PS.empty, Nelist.fold_left (fun a bPS.add b a) args PS.empty) eqns)
    as [[good defined] variables].
  specialize H with good defined variables.
  pose proof (H (eq_refl _)) as ; clear H.
  destruct as [Ht Hf].
  destruct good;

Lemma Is_well_sch_by_refl:
   args eqns, well_sch args eqns = true Is_well_sch mems args eqns.
  intros args eqns.
  pose proof (well_sch_spec args eqns) as Hwss.
  split; intro H.
  rewrite H in Hwss; assumption.
  destruct (well_sch args eqns); [reflexivity|].
  exfalso; apply Hwss; apply H.

Lemma well_sch_dec:
   args eqns,
    {Is_well_sch mems args eqns}+{¬Is_well_sch mems args eqns}.
  intros args eqns.
  pose proof (well_sch_spec args eqns) as Hwss.
  destruct (well_sch args eqns); [left|right]; assumption.

End Decide.