Library Rustre.Dataflow.IsFree.Decide
Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsFree.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsFree.
Free variables: decision procedure
Lemma Is_free_in_clock_disj:
∀ y ck x c, Is_free_in_clock y (Con ck x c)
↔ y = x ∨ Is_free_in_clock y ck.
intros y ck x c; split; intro HH.
inversion_clear HH; [left; reflexivity|right; assumption].
destruct HH as [HH|HH].
rewrite HH; constructor.
constructor (assumption).
Lemma Is_free_in_when_disj:
∀ y e x c, Is_free_in_lexp y (Ewhen e x c)
↔ y = x ∨ Is_free_in_lexp y e.
intros y e x c; split; intro HH.
inversion_clear HH; auto.
destruct HH as [HH|HH].
rewrite HH; constructor (fail).
constructor (assumption).
Fixpoint free_in_clock_dec (ck : clock) (T: PS.t)
: { S | ∀ x, PS.In x S ↔ (Is_free_in_clock x ck ∨ PS.In x T) }.
refine (
match ck with
| Cbase ⇒ exist _ T _
| Con ck´ x c ⇒
match free_in_clock_dec ck´ T with
| exist S´ HF ⇒ exist _ (PS.add x S´) _
- intro x; split; intro HH.
right; exact HH.
destruct HH as [HH|HH]; [inversion HH|exact HH].
- intro y; split; intro HH.
+ rewrite PS.add_spec in HH.
destruct HH as [HH|HH].
rewrite HH; left; constructor.
apply HF in HH.
destruct HH as [HH|HH]; [left|right].
constructor (assumption). assumption.
+ rewrite Is_free_in_clock_disj in HH.
apply or_assoc in HH.
destruct HH as [HH|HH].
rewrite HH; apply PS.add_spec; left; reflexivity.
apply HF in HH; apply PS.add_spec; right; assumption.
Fixpoint free_in_clock (ck : clock) (fvs: PS.t) : PS.t :=
match ck with
| Cbase ⇒ fvs
| Con ck´ x xc ⇒ free_in_clock ck´ (PS.add x fvs)
Fixpoint free_in_lexp (e: lexp) (fvs: PS.t) : PS.t :=
match e with
| Econst c ⇒ fvs
| Evar x ⇒ PS.add x fvs
| Ewhen e x xc ⇒ free_in_lexp e (PS.add x fvs)
| Eop op eqs ⇒ Nelist.fold_left (fun fvs e ⇒ free_in_lexp e fvs) eqs fvs
Definition free_in_laexp (ck: clock)(le : lexp) (fvs : PS.t) : PS.t :=
free_in_lexp le (free_in_clock ck fvs).
Definition free_in_laexps (ck: clock)(les : lexps) (fvs : PS.t) : PS.t :=
Nelist.fold_left (fun fvs e ⇒ free_in_lexp e fvs) les (free_in_clock ck fvs).
Fixpoint free_in_cexp (ce: cexp) (fvs: PS.t) : PS.t :=
match ce with
| Emerge i t f ⇒ free_in_cexp f (free_in_cexp t (PS.add i fvs))
| Eexp e ⇒ free_in_lexp e fvs
Definition free_in_caexp (ck: clock)(ce: cexp) (fvs: PS.t) : PS.t :=
free_in_cexp ce (free_in_clock ck fvs).
Fixpoint free_in_equation (eq: equation) (fvs: PS.t) : PS.t :=
match eq with
| EqDef _ ck cae ⇒ free_in_caexp ck cae fvs
| EqApp _ ck f laes ⇒ free_in_laexps ck laes fvs
| EqFby _ ck v lae ⇒ free_in_laexp ck lae fvs
Lemma free_in_clock_spec:
∀ x ck m, PS.In x (free_in_clock ck m)
↔ Is_free_in_clock x ck ∨ PS.In x m.
induction ck.
- split; intuition;
(match goal with H:Is_free_in_clock _ Cbase |- _ ⇒ inversion H end).
- split; intro H0.
+ apply IHck in H0; destruct H0 as [H0|H0]; try apply PS.add_spec in H0;
intuition; subst; intuition.
+ apply IHck; destruct H0 as [H0|H0]; inversion H0;
solve [right; apply PS.add_spec; intuition | intuition].
Corollary free_in_clock_spec´:
∀ x ck, PS.In x (free_in_clock ck PS.empty)
↔ Is_free_in_clock x ck.
intros; pose proof (free_in_clock_spec x ck PS.empty) as H0;
intuition not_In_empty.
Lemma free_in_lexp_spec:
∀ x e m, PS.In x (free_in_lexp e m)
↔ Is_free_in_lexp x e ∨ PS.In x m.
intro x; induction e using lexp_ind2;
try now intro m; (split;
intro H0; try apply IHe in H0
| intro H0; try apply IHe
try destruct H0 as [H0|H0];
try apply free_in_clock_spec in H0;
try inversion H0; subst;
try apply PS.add_spec;
solve [
| right; apply free_in_clock_spec; intuition
| apply PS.add_spec in H1; destruct H1; subst; intuition
| right; apply PS.add_spec; intuition ].
induction les as [le | le les]; intro m.
+ simpl. inversion_clear H. rewrite H0. split; intros [Hin | ?]; auto; left.
- now do 2 constructor.
- inversion_clear Hin. inversion_clear H. assumption.
+ inversion_clear H.
specialize (IHles H1 (free_in_lexp le m)). rewrite H0 in IHles.
rewrite IHles. split; intro Hin.
- destruct Hin as [Hin | [Hin | Hin]]; tauto || left; constructor; try now constructor 2.
constructor 3. now inversion_clear Hin.
- destruct Hin as [Hin | ?]; try tauto; [].
Local Hint Constructors Is_free_in_lexp.
inversion_clear Hin. inversion_clear H; auto.
Lemma free_in_lexp_spec´:
∀ x e, PS.In x (free_in_lexp e PS.empty)
↔ Is_free_in_lexp x e.
intros; pose proof (free_in_lexp_spec x e PS.empty);
intuition not_In_empty.
Lemma free_in_laexp_spec:
∀ x ck e m, PS.In x (free_in_laexp ck e m)
↔ Is_free_in_laexp x ck e ∨ PS.In x m.
destruct e; split; intros;
(match goal with
| H:_ ∨ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H as [H|H]
| H:PS.In _ (free_in_laexp _ _ _) |- _ ⇒ apply free_in_lexp_spec in H
| H:PS.In _ (free_in_clock _ _) |- _ ⇒ apply free_in_clock_spec in H
| |- PS.In _ (free_in_laexp _ _ _) ⇒ apply free_in_lexp_spec
| H:Is_free_in_laexp _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ inversion_clear H
| |- context[PS.In _ (free_in_clock _ _)] ⇒ rewrite free_in_clock_spec
Lemma free_in_laexp_spec´:
∀ x ck e, PS.In x (free_in_laexp ck e PS.empty)
↔ Is_free_in_laexp x ck e.
intros; pose proof (free_in_laexp_spec x ck e PS.empty);
intuition not_In_empty.
Lemma free_in_nelist_lexp_spec : ∀ x l m,
PS.In x (Nelist.fold_left (fun fvs e ⇒ free_in_lexp e fvs) l m) ↔
Nelist.Exists (Is_free_in_lexp x) l ∨ PS.In x m.
Local Hint Constructors Nelist.Exists.
intros x l. induction l; intro m; simpl.
+ rewrite free_in_lexp_spec; split; intro H; intuition.
inversion_clear H0. intuition.
+ rewrite IHl. rewrite free_in_lexp_spec.
split; intros [H | H]; auto.
- destruct H as [H | H]; auto.
- inversion_clear H; auto.
Lemma free_in_laexps_spec:
∀ x ck e m, PS.In x (free_in_laexps ck e m)
↔ Is_free_in_laexps x ck e ∨ PS.In x m.
intros x c l m. unfold free_in_laexps.
rewrite free_in_nelist_lexp_spec.
rewrite free_in_clock_spec.
split; intros [H | H]; auto; inversion H; auto.
Lemma free_in_laexps_spec´:
∀ x ck l, PS.In x (free_in_laexps ck l PS.empty)
↔ Is_free_in_laexps x ck l.
intros; pose proof (free_in_laexps_spec x ck l PS.empty);
intuition not_In_empty.
Ltac destruct_Is_free :=
repeat match goal with
| H: _ ∨ _ |- _ ⇒
destruct H
| H: Is_free_in_cexp _ (Emerge _ _ _) |- _ ⇒
inversion H; subst; clear H
| H: Is_free_in_cexp _ (Eexp _) |- _ ⇒
inversion H; subst; clear H
| IHe: context[PS.In _ (free_in_cexp ?e _)],
H:PS.In _ (free_in_cexp ?e _) |- _ ⇒
apply IHe in H
| H: PS.In _ (free_in_lexp _ _) |- _ ⇒
apply free_in_lexp_spec in H
| H: PS.In _ (PS.add _ _) |- _ ⇒
apply PS.add_spec in H
Lemma free_in_cexp_spec:
∀ x e m, PS.In x (free_in_cexp e m)
↔ Is_free_in_cexp x e ∨ PS.In x m.
intro x;
induction e;
intro m; simpl; split; intro H0;
subst; auto;
repeat match goal with
| |- PS.In ?i (PS.add ?i _) ⇒
apply PS.add_spec; intuition
| IHe: context[PS.In _ (free_in_cexp ?e _)],
H: Is_free_in_cexp ?x ?e
|- PS.In ?x (free_in_cexp ?e _) ⇒
apply IHe; auto
| _: PS.In ?x ?m
|- PS.In ?x (PS.add ?i ?m) ⇒
apply PS.add_spec; auto
| IHe: context[PS.In _ (free_in_cexp ?e _)]
|- PS.In _ (free_in_cexp ?e _) ⇒
apply IHe; right
| H: Is_free_in_lexp _ _
|- PS.In _ (free_in_lexp _ _) ⇒
apply free_in_lexp_spec; auto
| H: PS.In ?x ?m
|- PS.In ?x (free_in_lexp _ ?m) ⇒
apply free_in_lexp_spec; auto
Lemma free_in_cexp_spec´:
∀ x e, PS.In x (free_in_cexp e PS.empty)
↔ Is_free_in_cexp x e.
intros; pose proof (free_in_cexp_spec x e PS.empty);
intuition not_In_empty.
Lemma free_in_caexp_spec:
∀ x ck e m, PS.In x (free_in_caexp ck e m)
↔ Is_free_in_caexp x ck e ∨ PS.In x m.
destruct e; split; intros;
repeat progress (match goal with
| H:_ ∨ _ |- _ ⇒ destruct H as [H|H]
| H:PS.In _ _ |- _ ⇒ first [ apply free_in_cexp_spec in H
| apply free_in_clock_spec in H ]
| |- context [free_in_caexp _ _ _] ⇒ apply free_in_cexp_spec
| H:Is_free_in_caexp _ _ _ |- _ ⇒ inversion_clear H
| _ ⇒ solve [right; apply free_in_clock_spec; intuition
| intuition]
Lemma free_in_caexp_spec´:
∀ x ck e, PS.In x (free_in_caexp ck e PS.empty)
↔ Is_free_in_caexp x ck e.
intros; rewrite (free_in_caexp_spec x ck e PS.empty).
intuition not_In_empty.
Lemma free_in_equation_spec:
∀ x eq m, PS.In x (free_in_equation eq m)
↔ (Is_free_in_eq x eq ∨ PS.In x m).
destruct eq; split; intro H;
repeat (match goal with
| H:Is_free_in_eq _ _ |- _ ⇒ inversion_clear H
| H:PS.In _ (free_in_equation _ _) |- _ ⇒
apply free_in_caexp_spec in H
|| apply free_in_laexp_spec in H
|| apply free_in_laexps_spec in H
| |- PS.In _ (free_in_equation _ _) ⇒
apply free_in_caexp_spec
|| apply free_in_laexp_spec
|| apply free_in_laexps_spec
| _ ⇒ intuition
Lemma free_in_equation_spec´:
∀ x eq, PS.In x (free_in_equation eq PS.empty)
↔ Is_free_in_eq x eq.
intros; rewrite (free_in_equation_spec x eq PS.empty).
intuition not_In_empty.