Library Rustre.Dataflow.IsVariable.Decide
Require Import PArith.
Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsVariable.
Require Import List.
Import List.ListNotations.
Open Scope list_scope.
Require Import Rustre.Common.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.Syntax.
Require Import Rustre.Dataflow.IsVariable.
Stack variables: decision procedure
Definition add_variable_eq (vars: PS.t) (eq: equation) : PS.t :=
match eq with
| EqDef x _ _ ⇒ PS.add x vars
| EqApp x _ _ _ ⇒ PS.add x vars
| EqFby _ _ _ _ ⇒ vars
Definition variables (eqs: list equation) : PS.t :=
List.fold_left add_variable_eq eqs PS.empty.
Lemma add_variable_eq_empty:
∀ x eq variables,
PS.In x (add_variable_eq variables eq)
↔ PS.In x (add_variable_eq PS.empty eq) ∨ PS.In x variables.
split; intro H.
destruct eq;
simpl in *; try (apply PS.add_spec in H; destruct H; [subst i|]); intuition.
destruct eq; simpl in *; destruct H;
try (apply PS.add_spec in H; destruct H); try apply PS.empty_spec in H;
Lemma In_fold_left_add_variable_eq:
∀ x eqs m,
PS.In x (List.fold_left add_variable_eq eqs m)
↔ PS.In x (List.fold_left add_variable_eq eqs PS.empty) ∨ PS.In x m.
induction eqs as [|eq].
- split; auto.
destruct 1 as [H|].
apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction.
- split; [ intro H; simpl; rewrite IHeqs
| destruct 1 as [H|H]; apply IHeqs];
solve [
simpl in H; apply IHeqs in H; destruct H;
[ intuition
| destruct eq; try (apply PS.add_spec in H; destruct H);
match goal with
| H:x=_ |- _ ⇒ rewrite H; simpl; rewrite PS.add_spec; intuition
| _ ⇒ apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction
| _ ⇒ intuition
end ]
| right; destruct eq; try apply PS.add_spec; intuition
Lemma Is_variable_in_variables:
∀ x eqs,
PS.In x (variables eqs)
↔ Is_variable_in_eqs x eqs.
unfold variables, Is_variable_in_eqs.
induction eqs as [ eq | eq ].
- rewrite List.Exists_nil; split; intro H;
try apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction.
- simpl.
rewrite In_fold_left_add_variable_eq.
+ rewrite List.Exists_cons.
destruct 1. intuition.
destruct eq; try (apply not_In_empty in H; intuition);
(simpl in H; apply PS.add_spec in H; destruct H;
[ rewrite H; left; constructor
| apply not_In_empty in H; contradiction ]).
+ intro H; apply List.Exists_cons in H; destruct H.
destruct eq; try inversion H;
(right; apply PS.add_spec; intuition).
left; apply IHeqs; apply H.
Lemma Is_variable_in_dec:
∀ x eqs, {Is_variable_in_eqs x eqs}+{¬Is_variable_in_eqs x eqs}.
intros x eqs.
apply Bool.reflect_dec with (b := PS.mem x (variables eqs)).
apply Bool.iff_reflect.
rewrite PS.mem_spec.
apply Is_variable_in_variables.