index - Soutien aux Activités de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématique en Afrique Access content directly

SARIMA, for Soutien aux Activités de Recherche en Informatique et Mathématiques en Afrique, is a scientific interest group that includes Cimpa, research organizations (CNRS, Inra, Inria, IRD), Engineer Schools, and universities. Its main objective is to coordinate the activities of its members to support training and research in computer science and mathematics in sub-Saharan Africa which includes the organization of CIMPA schools and the participation in various masters courses in Africa and the co-supervision of theses. All these activities are carried out in close coordination with the African partners. The activities of Inria's international laboratory in Africa, LIRIMA, as well as those of IRD's UMMISCO unit are being followed with interest by SARIMA.

The purpose of this collection is to provide a portal to publications in Computer Science and Mathematics carried out as part of collaborations between an institution in sub-Saharan Africa and one of the members of SARIMA.

All concerned researchers who wish to publish their publications on this portal can do so by indicating SARIMA (in capital letters) in the "project/collaboration" field of their HAL repositories. Note that an author can update the metadata of his or her articles on the HAL platform and therefore add this information to a previously submitted article.