This school is primarily aimed at first year PhD students in robotics with the objective of training them in the basic techniques of robotics. It is organized by the french Robotics GDR, that regroup all the french main laboratories but will be open to foreign students with classes only in English, the speakers being half French, half European. The number of attendees is limited to 30.

The program consists of lectures in the morning and early afternoon. During the rest of the afternoon, the students will work in a mini-group on the realization by a robotized system of a task that will be proposed at the very beginning of the school ("hands-on"). During this afternoon session the students will work in full autonomy for designing their system based on a limited hardware. All the designed systems will be presented to a general audience on Friday.

Robotics is a multidisciplinary discipline that require mastering several domains. It involves not only geometric, kinematic and dynamic modeling of systems and phenomena, but also their control (with or without model), perception (sensors and algorithms), the coupling between perception and action, principles and algorithms related to motion generation, learning techniques and decision-making techniques. Robotics also require to master some mathematical tools, the computer tools available for simulation and system development.

The objectives of this school is to allow young researchers to get acquainted with these fundamentals as quickly as possible while the purpose of the hands-on is to illustrate how important are these fundamentals through a first experiment.






Inria Laboratoire I3S GdR Robotique UCA Jedi
École Doctorale STIC Université Côte d'Azur Réseau National Écoles Doctorales Sciences Pour l'Ingénieur CNRS

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