/*** seq_ls.h Manuel Loth 2010 **********************/ #ifndef SEQ_LS_H #define SEQ_LS_H /** Notation: M' is the transpose of M A seq_ls structure maintains in some form a squared matrix A=MM' throughout row appendings/removals or column appendings in M. It provides a function 'solve' which, given a vector b, solves Ax = b for x. The typical use of solving (MM')x = b is least-squares regression: Given a vector y of responses in R and a matrix X of observations (columns = observations associated to responses, rows = n predictors/attributes/features), one wishes to approximate y as X'w, by finding w that minimizes 1/2 |y - X'*w|2² = Sum_i [y_i - Sum_j (wj*Xji)]² , which amounts to zeroing the gradient: X (y - X'w) = (0) XX'w = Xy (hence A = XX', b = Xy) The appending / removal of rows in X corresponds to adding / removing an attribute, and the appending of a column to adding an observation. ***********************************************************/ typedef struct seq_ls { int n; /* number of rows in M (observations) */ double ** M; /** Appends row u at bottom of M. /!\ CAUTION: u itself (not a copy) will be used in subsequent steps, so it should not be changed or deallocated until being removed from M. Returns non-zero value in case of success and zero in case of failure, which consists in A being no more positive-definite after insertion of u, in which case it is not inserted (the function does nothing). */ int (*append_row) (struct seq_ls *self, double * u); /** Removes row i (i>=0) from M. */ double * (*remove_row) (struct seq_ls *self, int i); int (*append_col) (struct seq_ls *self, double * u); /** Solves MM' * x = b. Stores the result at given address if not null, otherwise allocates as needed (and returns the new address). */ double * (*solve) (struct seq_ls *self, double * b, double * x); /** Multiply A(=MM') or M by a vector v (A*v or v'*M). Store the result at given address if not null, otherwise allocate as needed (and return the new address). */ double * (*mul_Av) (struct seq_ls *self, double * v, double * dst); double * (*mul_vM) (struct seq_ls *self, double * v, double * dst); /** Frees this structure and its workspace */ int (*delete) (struct seq_ls *self); void *private; } seq_ls_t; /** Constructors return new seq_ls structures, with empty M / A. M_max_height is not a strict limit, but an indication for intial memory allocation */ /* maintains the Cholesky decomposition of A */ seq_ls_t *new_seq_Cholesky (int M_width, int M_max_height); /* maintains the QR decomposition of A */ /* seq_ls_t *new_seq_QR (int M_width, int M_max_height); */ #endif