Journal Articles SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Year : 2023

Global Controllability of the Boussinesq System with Navier-Slip-with-Friction and Robin Boundary Conditions


In this paper, we deal with the global exact controllability to the trajectories of the Boussi- nesq system posed in 2D or 3D smooth bounded domains. The velocity field of the fluid must satisfy a Navier slip-with-friction boundary condition and a Robin boundary condition is im- posed to the temperature. We assume that one can act on the velocity and the temperature on a small part of the boundary. For the proof, we first transform the boundary control problem into a distributed control problem. Then, we prove a global approximate controllability result by adapting the strategy of Coron et al [J. Eur. Math. Soc., 22 (2020), pp. 1625–1673]; this relies on the controllability properties of the inviscid Boussinesq system and the analysis of appropriate asymptotic boundary layer expansions. Finally, we conclude with a local control- lability result; as in many other cases, this can be established as a consequence of the null controllability of a linearized system through a fixed-point argument. Our contribution can be viewed as an extension of the results in [J. Eur. Math. Soc., 22 (2020), pp. 1625–1673], where thermal effects were not considered. Thus, we prove that the ideas behind the controllability properties of the Euler system and the well-prepared dissipation technique can be adapted to the present situation. Furthermore, we cover all the classical boundary conditions for the temperature, that is, those of the Robin, Neumann and Dirichlet kinds.
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hal-04364123 , version 1 (26-12-2023)



Felipe W. Chaves-Silva, Enrique Fernández-Cara, Kévin Le Balc’h, J. Machado, Souza Diego A.. Global Controllability of the Boussinesq System with Navier-Slip-with-Friction and Robin Boundary Conditions. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 2023, 61 (2), pp.484-510. ⟨10.1137/21M1425566⟩. ⟨hal-04364123⟩
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