Exercise in lung Cancer, the healthcare providers opinion (E.C.H.O.): Results of the EORTC lung cancer Group (LCG) survey
Sara Pilotto
Alice Avancini
Jessica Menis
Isabella Sperduti
Matteo Giaj Levra
Thierry Berghmans
Paolo Bironzo
Mariana Brandão
Dirk de Ruysscher
John Edwards
Corinne Faivre-Finn
Nicolas Girard
Laurent Greillier
(7, 8)
Lizza Hendriks
(9, 10)
Sylvie Lantuejoul
(11, 12)
Murielle Mauer
Silvia Novello
Mary O'Brien
Martin Reck
Noemi Reguart
Jordi Remon
Jan von der Thüsen
Anne-Marie Dingemans
Benjamin Besse
Michele Milella
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire [CHU Grenoble]
2 Institut Jules Bordet [Bruxelles]
3 ICBAS - Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar
4 MUMC - Maastricht University Medical Centre
5 RHUL - Royal Holloway [University of London]
6 University of Manchester [Manchester]
7 COMPO - Méthodes computationnelles pour la prise en charge thérapeutique en oncologie : Optimisation des stratégies par modélisation mécaniste et statistique
8 OMIT - Multidisciplinary Oncology and Therapeutic Innovations Unit / Service d’Oncologie Multidisciplinaire et d’Innovations Thérapeutiques
9 Département d'hématologie [Gustave Roussy]
10 GROW - School for Oncology and Developmental Biology [Maastricht]
11 UNICANCER/CRCL - Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon
12 Centre Léon Bérard [Lyon]
13 EORTC - European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer [Bruxelles]
14 UNITO - Università degli studi di Torino = University of Turin
15 German Center for Lung Research
16 August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute - IDIBAPS [Barcelona, Spain]
17 Centro Integral Oncologico Clara Campal
2 Institut Jules Bordet [Bruxelles]
3 ICBAS - Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar
4 MUMC - Maastricht University Medical Centre
5 RHUL - Royal Holloway [University of London]
6 University of Manchester [Manchester]
7 COMPO - Méthodes computationnelles pour la prise en charge thérapeutique en oncologie : Optimisation des stratégies par modélisation mécaniste et statistique
8 OMIT - Multidisciplinary Oncology and Therapeutic Innovations Unit / Service d’Oncologie Multidisciplinaire et d’Innovations Thérapeutiques
9 Département d'hématologie [Gustave Roussy]
10 GROW - School for Oncology and Developmental Biology [Maastricht]
11 UNICANCER/CRCL - Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon
12 Centre Léon Bérard [Lyon]
13 EORTC - European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer [Bruxelles]
14 UNITO - Università degli studi di Torino = University of Turin
15 German Center for Lung Research
16 August Pi i Sunyer Biomedical Research Institute - IDIBAPS [Barcelona, Spain]
17 Centro Integral Oncologico Clara Campal
Sara Pilotto
- Function : Author
Alice Avancini
- Function : Author
Jessica Menis
- Function : Author
Isabella Sperduti
- Function : Author
Paolo Bironzo
- Function : Author
Nicolas Girard
- Function : Author
Laurent Greillier
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 777166
- ORCID : 0000-0002-5807-9503
- IdRef : 116390867
Sylvie Lantuejoul
- Function : Author
- PersonId : 758652
- ORCID : 0000-0003-4310-6975
- IdRef : 119835401
Mary O'Brien
- Function : Author
Jan von der Thüsen
- Function : Author
Anne-Marie Dingemans
- Function : Author
Benjamin Besse
- Function : Author
Michele Milella
- Function : Author
Exercise has been reported to alleviate disease as well as treatment impact in patients with lung cancer. Nevertheless, there is limited information available regarding the perception of lung cancer dedicated healthcare professionals' and their advice on exercise.