Reports (Research Report) Year : 2022

Activity for learning computational thinking in plugged and unplugged mode

Activité pour apprendre la pensée computationnelle en mode branché et débranché


The introduction of computing into schools can drive the development of computational thinking along with associated problem-solving skills. In this context we look at the different types of activities used to learn computing, with the aim of establishing a protocol to compare plugged and unplugged activities at school, and more specifically to see how effectively unplugged activities can be used for skills transfer in order to learn computing.
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hal-03793719 , version 1 (03-10-2022)



  • HAL Id : hal-03793719 , version 1


Margarida Romero, Thierry Viéville, Marie Duflot-Kremer. Activity for learning computational thinking in plugged and unplugged mode. [Research Report] 006, UCA - INSPE Académie de Nice. 2022. ⟨hal-03793719⟩
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