Conference Papers Year : 2020

Discovery of Link Keys in RDF Data Based on Pattern Structures: Preliminary Steps

Nacira Abbas
Jérôme David
  • Function : Author
  • PersonId : 845592
Amedeo Napoli


In this paper, we are interested in the discovery of link keys among two different RDF datasets based on FCA and pattern structures. A link key identifies individuals which represent the same real world entity. Two main strategies are used to automatically discover link keys, ignoring or not the classes to which the individuals belong to. Indeed, a link key may be relevant for some pair of classes and not relevant for another. Then, discovering link keys for one pair of classes at a time may be computationally expensive if every pair should be considered. To overcome such limitations, we introduce a specific and original pattern structure where link keys can be discovered in one pass while specifying the pair of classes associated with each link key, focusing on the discovery process and allowing more flexibility.
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hal-02921643 , version 1 (25-08-2020)


  • HAL Id : hal-02921643 , version 1


Nacira Abbas, Jérôme David, Amedeo Napoli. Discovery of Link Keys in RDF Data Based on Pattern Structures: Preliminary Steps. CLA 2020 - The 15th International Conference on Concept Lattices and Their Applications, Jun 2020, Tallinn / Virtual, Estonia. ⟨hal-02921643⟩
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