Reports Year : 2022

Introduce the nullptr constant

JeanHeyd Meneide
  • Function : Author


Since more than a decade C++ has already replaced the problematic definition of NULL which might be either of integer type or void*. By using a new constant nullptr, they achieve a more constrained specification, that allows much better diagnosis of user code. We propose to integrate this concept into C as far as possible without putting much strain on implementations. This is a split-off of N2368 that builds on the approval of the "keywords" patches.

Dates and versions

hal-02167929 , version 1 (28-06-2019)
hal-02167929 , version 2 (06-10-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-02167929 , version 2


Jens Gustedt, JeanHeyd Meneide. Introduce the nullptr constant. [Research Report] N3042, ISO JTC1/SC22/WG14. 2022. ⟨hal-02167929v2⟩
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