Reports (Research Report) Year : 2019

Moving to two's complement sign representation


We propose to implement the change to abandon ones complement and sign-and-magnitude representation from C. Main efforts are made to maintain interface compatibility with C++’s recently voted changes, that is to ensure that value and object representations are exchangeable. This is a follow-up to document N22181 which found positive WG14 support to make two’s complement the only sign representation for the next C standard.
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hal-02046444 , version 1 (22-02-2019)


  • HAL Id : hal-02046444 , version 1


Jean-François Bastien, Jens Gustedt. Moving to two's complement sign representation. [Research Report] N2330, ISO JCT1/SC22/WG14. 2019. ⟨hal-02046444⟩
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