Conference Papers Year : 2011

The Rascal meta-programming language -- a lab for software analysis, transformation, generation & visualization


This paper summarizes the goals and features of a do- main specific programming language called Rascal. On the one hand it is designed to facilitate software research -- research about software in general. On the other hand Rascal is applied to specific software portfolios as well, as a means to improve them and as a means to learn to understand them. Specifically, Rascal is used create tools that analyze, transform, generate or visualize source code of software products. Such tools are motivated by the need to im- prove quality of existing software or the need to lower its cost-of-ownership. More generally such tools are cre- ated to build laboratory experiments that observe and measure quality, or try and improve software quality, etc. In this paper we provide an overview of Rascal as a "domain specific language for meta programming". We first explain its goals and then its features. We end by highlighting some example applications in the area of software analysis and transformation.
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Dates and versions

hal-00644693 , version 1 (24-11-2011)


  • HAL Id : hal-00644693 , version 1


Jurgen Vinju, Mark Hills, Paul Klint, Atze van Der Ploeg,, Anastasia Izmaylova, et al.. The Rascal meta-programming language -- a lab for software analysis, transformation, generation & visualization. ICT.Open, Nov 2011, Veldhoven, Netherlands. ⟨hal-00644693⟩


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