Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2011

Extensions of the chemostat model with flocculation


In this work, we study a model of the chemostat where the species are present in two forms, isolated bacteria and under an aggregated form like attached bacteria or bacteria in flocks. We show that our general model contains a lot of models which were previously considered in the literature. Assuming that flocculation and deflocculation dynamics are fast with respect to the growth of the species, we construct a reduced chemostat-like model in which both the growth functions and the apparent dilution rate depend on the density of the species. We also show that such a model involving monotonic growth rates may exhibit bistability, while it may only occur in the classical chemostat model when the growth rate in non monotonic.
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hal-00604633 , version 1 (29-06-2011)
hal-00604633 , version 2 (11-09-2011)
hal-00604633 , version 3 (09-03-2012)



Radhouane Fekih-Salem, Jérôme Harmand, Claude Lobry, Alain Rapaport, Tewfik Sari. Extensions of the chemostat model with flocculation. 2011. ⟨hal-00604633v3⟩
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