Equipe SCEE : Signal, Communication et Electronique Embarquée




SCEE is a research team of SUPELEC, Campus of Rennes, member of the IETR (Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes - UMR CNRS 6164), AC group (Automatic and Communications).




SCEE activities are the study and design of future communication systems based on Software Radio and Cognitive Radio concepts.





    1. Digital communications and signal processing

      • Equalization et channel estimation techniques (ERD, multicarrier)
      • Non-linearities processing (OFDM & SWR)
      • Synchronization techniques
      • MIMO (source separation and PAPR)


    2. Software radio implementation on reconfigurable architectures

      • Study and design of reconfigurable architectures (HW/SW, MIMO)
      • Parameterization techniques and multi-standards systems optimization
      • Implementation on heterogeneous platforms (FPGA DSP)


    3. Smart sensors

      • Face analysis and synthesis
      • Ressources optimization (standards recognition, spectrum holes)

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