The MOVE team (Modeling and Verification), located on the Luminy Campus (Marseille), is interested with the development of formal verification techniques for software systems. More precisely, the team works on theoretical foundations of these tools, and in particular the approaches based on automata and logic, like model-checking and synthesis. This work consists in studying different extensions of these models under the prism of expressiveness, decidability and algorithmic questions. Furthermore, the team also works on the use of formal methods in the domain of security for computer systems, with the help of tools like rewriting and process calculus. The scientific project of the team is thus organised in three axes:
- Languages and transformations : this axis contains activities linked with the study of models underlying verificiation techniques.
- Symbolic techniques for verification: this axis corresponds to algorithmic works principally linked with the problems of model-checking and synthesis.
- Security: this axis groups works concerning the development and usage of formal methods for security matters, like access control or the verification of properties of cryptographic protocols.
Verification: Model-Checking, Synthesis, Robustness; Automata and their extensions: Transducers, Higher-order, Quantitative Automata, Probabilistic Automata, Timed Automata, Vector Addition Systems; Logic : Monadic Logic, Temporal Logic; Security: Rewriting, Access Control, Process Calculi.
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