Here is the updated scientific production of the project-team "E-MOTION-INRIA" (Geometry and probability for motion and action), part of the research area "Interactive and Cognitive Systems " within the LIG, Grenoble Informatics Laboratory.

The project-team E-MOTION aims at developing algorithmic models and methods enabling artificial systems to be built with abilities of perception, decision, and action sufficiently advanced and robust to allow these systems:
- to operate in open and dynamic environments (i.e. in partially known environments, where time and dynamics play a major role),
- and leading to varied interactions with human.

To reach this objective, we propose to combine the respective benefits of the computational geometry, the probability theory and sometimes the biological inspiration (in cooperation with neurophysiologists). These research issues aim at application fields whose purpose is to introduce advanced and secured robotized systems into our "living space" (future cars and transportation systems, or service and intervention robotics).

The research of the project-team E-MOTION is organized along three axes:
LIG website