Large-scale networks with complex interaction patterns between elements are found in abundance in Communication Networks like: social networks, blog & collaborative networks, WWW, P2P, DTN, Sensors. In the last decade many research efforts contributed to establishing the concept of a network science to characterize, model, and analyze complex networks. Network Science founds applications in a variety of domains and show a mainstream research topic of interest for theoretical physicists, epidemiologists, biologist, economists, and computer scientists. For the communication networking community there is a strong research interest in the analysis of the structure and properties of dynamic networks at several layers: network/communication layers but also at the social/application layers. Understanding how the interplay of these different layers of complex networks happens and the potential mutual effects they may have on each other in a dynamic graph context is a key challenge.
This workshop aims to exchange and discuss ideas on the complex systems field, mainly oriented (but not limited to) the following topics:- Bio-inspired networks
- Correlation of different types of social networks
- Delay tolerant and disruption tolerant networks (DTN)
- Discrete optimization and algorithms
- Dynamical processes (proliferation, diffusion etc.)
- Game theoretic models, pricing and incentives on dynamic networks
- Implications of social networking on distributed network/systems
- Mobility modeling and management
- Robustness & Stability of dynamical networks
- Sensor Networks
- Social networks
- Characterizing and analyzing dynamic networks
- Tools and methods for collecting, analyzing, or visualizing data from dynamic networks
The organizers: INTECIN,Facultad de Ingeniería and (U.B.A.)
LAWDN 2010 Program committee:
- Eric Fleury => ENS Lyon D-NET INRIA, France
- Artur Ziviani => National Laboratory for Scientific Computing LNCC, Brazil
- José Ignacio Alvarez-Hamelin => Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET and ITBA, Argentina