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Liste des articles
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Derniers dépôts
Albert Gasull, Antoine Tilloy, J. Ignacio Cirac, Germán Sierra. Symmetries and field tensor network states.
Physical Review B
, 2023, 107 (15), pp.155102.
Shruti Puri, Alexander Grimm, Philippe Campagne-Ibarcq, Alec Eickbusch, Kyungjoo Noh, et al.. Stabilized Cat in Driven Nonlinear Cavity: A Fault-Tolerant Error Syndrome Detector.
Physical Review X
, 2019, 9 (4), pp.041009.
Jérémie Guillaud, Mazyar Mirrahimi. Repetition Cat Qubits for Fault-Tolerant Quantum Computation.
Physical Review X
, 2019,
Francois-Marie Le Régent, Camille Berdou, Zaki Leghtas, Jérémie Guillaud, Mazyar Mirrahimi. High-performance repetition cat code using fast noisy operations.
, 2023, 7, pp.1198.
Danijela Marković, Sebastien Jezouin, Quentin Ficheux, Sergueï Fedortchenko, Simone Felicetti, et al.. Demonstration of an Effective Ultrastrong Coupling between Two Oscillators.
Physical Review Letters
, 2018, 121 (4),
Baldo-Luis Najera-Santos, Rémi Rousseau, Kyrylo Gerashchenko, Himanshu Patange, Angela Riva, et al.. High-Sensitivity ac-Charge Detection with a MHz-Frequency Fluxonium Qubit.
Physical Review X
, 2024, 14 (1), pp.011007.
Marius Villiers, William C Smith, Alexandru Petrescu, Alvise Borgognoni, Matthieu Delbecq, et al.. Dynamically Enhancing Qubit-Photon Interactions with Antisqueezing.
PRX Quantum
, 2024, 5 (2), pp.020306.
Lorenzo Di Pietro, Edoardo Lauria, Pierluigi Niro. Conformal boundary conditions for a 4d scalar field.
SciPost Physics
, 2024, 16,
Rémi Robin, Robin Roussel. Shape optimization of harmonic helicity in toroidal domains.
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
, In press.
Gerardo Cardona, Alain Sarlette, Pierre Rouchon. Exponential stabilization of quantum systems under continuous non-demolition measurements.
, 2020, 112, pp.108719.
Gia Quoc Bao Tran, Pauline Bernard, Vincent Andrieu, Daniele Astolfi. Constructible Canonical Form and High-gain Observer in Discrete Time (Full Version).
63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
, Dec 2024, Milan, Italy.
Louis Paletta, Anthony Leverrier, Alain Sarlette, Mazyar Mirrahimi, Christophe Vuillot. Robust sparse IQP sampling in constant depth.
, 2024, 8, pp.1337.
Gia Quoc Bao Tran, Sergio Garcia, Pauline Bernard, Florent Di Meglio, Ricardo G Sanfelice. Towards Gluing KKL Observer for Hybrid Systems with Unknown Jump Times (Full Version).
63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
, Dec 2024, Milan, Italy.
Zlatko Minev, Zaki Leghtas, Shantanu Mundhada, Lysander Christakis, Ioan Pop, et al.. Energy-participation quantization of Josephson circuits.
npj Quantum Information
, 2021, 7 (1), pp.131.
F. Valmorra, K. Yoshida, L. Contamin, Simon Messelot, S. Massabeau, et al.. Vacuum-field-induced THz transport gap in a carbon nanotube quantum dot.
Nature Communications
, 2021, 12 (1), pp.5490.
Tino Cubaynes, Matthieu R. Delbecq, Matthieu Dartiailh, Reouven Assouly, Matthieu Desjardins, et al.. Highly coherent spin states in carbon nanotubes coupled to cavity photons.
npj Quantum Information
, 2019, 5, pp.47.
Antoine Tilloy, Howard Wiseman. Non-Markovian wave-function collapse models are Bohmian-like theories in disguise.
, 2021, 5, pp.594.
Q Ficheux, S Jezouin, Zaki Leghtas, Benjamin Huard. Author Correction: Dynamics of a qubit while simultaneously monitoring its relaxation and dephasing.
Nature Communications
, 2018, 9 (1),
Pauline Bernard, Mohamed Maghenem. Reconstructing indistinguishable solutions via a set-valued KKL observer.
, 2024, 166 (August), pp.111703.
Antoine Essig, Quentin Ficheux, Théau Peronnin, Nathanaël Cottet, Raphaël Lescanne, et al.. Multiplexed Photon Number Measurement.
Physical Review X
, 2021, 11 (3),
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