The 10th European Conference on Computer Vision was held in Marseille-France in Palais des Congrès Parc Chanot, on October 12th-18th, 2008.
- REALFACES 08 - Faces in 'Real-Life' Images: Detection, Alignment, and Recognition
- OMNIVIS 08 - Omnidirectional Vision, Camera Networks and Non-classical Cameras 2008
- VS 08 - The Eighth International Workshop on Visual Surveillance 2008
- MLVMA 08 - Machine Learning for Vision-based Motion Analysis
- CVAVI 08 - Applications for the Visually Impaired
- M2SFA2 08 - Multi Camera and Multi-modal Sensor Fusion Algorithms and Applications
- VISINACT 08 - Vision in Action: Efficient strategies for cognitive agents in complex environments